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FDA and World press about banning E-Juice and vaping.


New Member
May 11, 2014
FDA and World wide Governments want to BAN the use of vaping devises everywhere and stifle the industry into something it doesn't want to be.


There are no accurate medical papers which state that vaping will cause long term harm. Short term either!! Just because the E-Juice we vape contains Nicotine, doesn't mean it's harmful. In fact there have been studies released recently, and a number of on going studies, where scientists have found
Nicotine can improve the memory for Alzheimer's suffers, along with many brain degenerative diseases! http://youtu.be/N1R7He-_gDo You don't hear the do-gooders mentioning that in the news do you!! Nicotine is no more harmful than Caffeine, FACT!

Plus let's be quite frank here, vapers and Nicotine users are far more interesting people than non nicotine users. We have the use of nicotine, which enables us to think clearly and be creative.

This stupid, stupid, STUPID slant the American press and Worldwide media are talking about E-Juice is getting ridiculous. The so called wicked and Evil E-Juice's ability to kill a child if swallowed really PMO!!!! Are all American press officials retarded? Are all scientist's and health officials in America really that stupid? Well I think they are! They sure are proving so with the news clips in the press and on TV have anything to go by! OR IS THERE ANOTHER MOTIVE BEHIND THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST VAPING???? Big Tobacco maybe?

Two words, CLEANING PRODUCTS! Do I need to say any more? Bleach, Window cleaner, drain unblocker etc! I'm sure any of them swallowed, or spilt on their skin ain't gonna do you much gooooood! Is the FDA going to ban them from sale because little Johnny might swallow some. The answer is NO! You just keep the bloody stuff away from children and educate them not to go near it. All cases where children have got hold of some E-Juice has only resulted in the minors throwing up. I think if bleach was swallowed, throwing up would be the last thing you'd be worried about! Where is common sense and responsible adult supervision here, regarding vaping? Just because a few red neck, trailer folk have left their E-Juice laying around, doesn't mean all who vape are that inconsiderate and careless! I'm sure there are many thousands of cases every year, where children get poisoned by house hold products. A huge amount! More than will ever be recorded about poisoned E-Juice victims! So all American and World wide authorities, please, please stop going down the E-Juice can kill pets and children route, it's boring us vaper's now and you've lost that argument, try something else, your boring me now!

The reason I'm attacking the American press and authorities in particular is because of the numerous news items and so called experts vomiting untruths, sensationalising and in the main, trying to spread Worldwide panic amongst the public about vaping.

Let's just cut to the truth about why all of a sudden, the Governments around the World have stepped up the attack and started serious campaigns against vaping.

MONEY!!!! Money, money, money. That's all this is about. Annalists have told treasuries in each and every country around the World that their Tobacco/Cigarette honey pot is being slowly eroded and leached away to vaping, and something needs to be done about it now! Or Billions of £$ will be lost in the near future. Vaping has grown in popularity over the last five years. Mainly due to the rapid improvements in devises. More and more people are turning to vaping and either cutting down on cigarettes, or giving them up totally.

Michael Crichton who wrote Jurassic Park said "Nature will always find a way" and that's true. If you tax the **** out of something, humans will adapt and find a way to avoid paying those taxes. History will tell you that! Either by black markets or adapting.

But when it comes to vaping there is a sting in the tail! Our lovely craft has got the World treasury munchkins baffled and throwing their dummies out the pram. The health excuse for over taxing and control doesn't quite work this time. So banging that square peg into that round hole in their eyes will work. 'You just have to hit it harder', that's all! All of us vaper's need to make sure that the round hole is made from Titanium and turns that square peg into a round one, shave some corners as it gets pounded in. Stay true and strong and have a loud enough voice and we will prevail. Truth about vaping is on our side, and truth can't be denied.
It does make me wonder though where the Gorilla warfare will mutate to next. I believe we all need to unite under one Worldwide organisation, not small groups dotted all over the place with a few hundred members.
Or maybe each country has their own organisation specifically for them, but collectively makes up a Worldwide organisation. A vaping Union or vaping authority if you like. These to be run by vapers, not greedy independent authorities who have monetary gain for governments at heart. Then we would have sensible rules based on facts and not conjecture!
If it's going to be the WVO (World Vaping Organisation), or the EFVI, then so be it. We all need to join and join now before it's too late!
Well hello there and welcome to the forum. Impressive first post and all that :)

The WVO packed it in a couple months ago didn't it?

Its also just not the American media after banning ecigs the UK is just as guilty of ;) so are dozens of other countries... but hey welcome to the Planet!
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