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Fibromyalgia - Just diagnosed what the hell now

It’s actually really reassuring to know there are lots of folks going through similar.Im not one for groups myself so this type of post is good to read.
Yeah I am always sceptical about support "groups" if its any thing like those who I don't really know offering me advice about harassing my doctors and asking for "alternative therapy" without listening to what I am saying then I think I will keep clear. Unless its POTV support group then I am in there like a rash.
I am part of an online fsh group on facebook and it has really helped me and my brother. My dad has passed away so i cannot seek his advice so it is good to speak to other sufferers and get lifestyle tips.
I guess you just need to hunt around and find a group of nice, like minded folk. There will no doubt be one somewhere
I am part of an online fsh group on facebook and it has really helped me and my brother. My dad has passed away so i cannot seek his advice so it is good to speak to other sufferers and get lifestyle tips.
I guess you just need to hunt around and find a group of nice, like minded folk. There will no doubt be one somewhere

Yeah its just my initial knee jerk reaction, and groups help a lot of people in many ways so I'm not putting them down but I am weary by nature and can't for the life of me think of any reason that may be just daft I suppose.
Yeah my rheumatologist found a vit d major def I envy which cured the tiredness but not the aches. I've seen a second doc but because of the first ones thinking and a history or panick attacks a few years ago they're not interested. Given up with them now. But glad you managed to get to the bottom of yours even though it must suck at the same time

Sorry to hear you not got an answer yet, yeah it sucks but it could have been worse. Tonight my hands are working normally and not hurting as much so I am posting every where on the forum like a kid in a set shop
@scotty7910 I have muscle inflation so my right calf normally swells to an inch bigger then my left and in the night my hands sometimes swell that I end up having to take of my wedding ring because it get tight.
Starting to become a bit self conscious about these lol.

Not that I was going to ever play piano lol.Hated giving up gaming though.


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@Grateful Vaper I'm no doctor, but my sister is. I could ask her to send me links to reliable reference sources, if you wish. Personally I'd stay away from the internet search engines and the temptation to read what could be a lot of nonsense.

With regards to your place of work and your current role, it's my understanding that the employer has a duty of care. If the doctors note outlined your condition and steps needed to mitigate its impact, they should be implemented as much a 'reasonably possible'. Ask for a meeting with HR and/or your manager and explain the situation fully. Tell them you will keep them updated with your treatment plan. Ask for this conversation to be documented.

From working closely with my companies HR department, I know that there is process that must take place. If it doesn't and you're repeatedly asked to complete tasks that worsen your condition, after you have provided the employer with all the relevant info, you MIGHT and I stress the word might, have a legal case against them. That of course would need to be reviewed by an employment law specialist.

I haven't read any of the previous comments so I apologise if I'm repeating advice. If you would like me to contact my sister, let me know.

Best wishes moving forwards with this mate. I don't envy you.
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