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Fibromyalgia - Just diagnosed what the hell now

Read this and a lot of it seems familiar diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis about 3years back.
It’s crazy people don’t realise in general but awareness of things like this is getting better.Been told I’m very young to have arthritis to the extent I do. Comes with a unique set of caveats as in don’t take pain relief now if at all possible.As it will leave only debilitating options in years to come.
That and the recent studies into the long term usage of nsaid type medications
Makes it all quite baffling tbh.That and the stigma surrounding not being capable of certain things.Last time I cleaned the garden I ended up with hands twice their normal size.
Much love mate have some experience of some of the issues you raise and it isn’t easy.
I have FSHD Muscular Dystrophy, a degenerative muscle wasting illness which gets worse over time.
Constant pain and decreased mobility.
My dad had it, his dad had it, my brother has it, two of my dads brothers have it about half a dozen of my cousins have it.
Not good, but what ya gonna do? There are worse things to have.
Now I am shitting myself wondering if I have passed it on to my daughters.

Also my mother has Fibromalygia, recently diagnosed, believe it or not.
Stay strong @Slanger and the only thing I'd like to add is that in my experience of having AS kick my arse for 30 years I find the 'support' groups far too grim and depressing to be part of
so just watch out they don''t drag you down once you have the info you need from them. If they give you a boost great but there's too many navel gazers for me in then
Read this and a lot of it seems familiar diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis about 3years back.
It’s crazy people don’t realise in general but awareness of things like this is getting better.Been told I’m very young to have arthritis to the extent I do. Comes with a unique set of caveats as in don’t take pain relief now if at all possible.As it will leave only debilitating options in years to come.
That and the recent studies into the long term usage of nsaid type medications
Makes it all quite baffling tbh.That and the stigma surrounding not being capable of certain things.Last time I cleaned the garden I ended up with hands twice their normal size.
Much love mate have some experience of some of the issues you raise and it isn’t easy.

Thank you, yeah I'm getting sick to death of comments, and odd looks almost like i'm not telling the truth, or other exaggerating. So starting just to say its a medical condition and leaving it.

Take it easy yourself mate
I have FSHD Muscular Dystrophy, a degenerative muscle wasting illness which gets worse over time.
Constant pain and decreased mobility.
My dad had it, his dad had it, my brother has it, two of my dads brothers have it about half a dozen of my cousins have it.
Not good, but what ya gonna do? There are worse things to have.
Now I am shitting myself wondering if I have passed it on to my daughters.

Also my mother has Fibromalygia, recently diagnosed, believe it or not.

I feel for you, I have been wondering the same if Fibromyalgia can be passed on to the expecting twins. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Wish you all the best.
Stay strong @Slanger and the only thing I'd like to add is that in my experience of having AS kick my arse for 30 years I find the 'support' groups far too grim and depressing to be part of
so just watch out they don''t drag you down once you have the info you need from them. If they give you a boost great but there's too many navel gazers for me in then

Yeah I am always sceptical about support "groups" if its any thing like those who I don't really know offering me advice about harassing my doctors and asking for "alternative therapy" without listening to what I am saying then I think I will keep clear. Unless its POTV support group then I am in there like a rash.
sucks to hear about that, I've read into fibromyalgia for a while because of a constant ache in my side, and feeling tired all the time with on and off aches in other random places.

After no result blood tests, Doc wanted me to go to a neurologist but i asked for a rheumatologist, came back nothing wrong. But now doc thinks im a hypochondriac so wont send me to a neurologist now.

Things can look bad sometimes at the beginning in any bad situation, but you just have to look to the future and work out how to fix it. You cant fix the disease atm, but you can fix some of the problems. Maybe look into desk jobs? Join a few support groups? Or make one? SOmetimes helping others makes you feel better about yourself?
Write down the problems that Fibro is causing you and then brainstorm ideas of how to fix them...?

Hope youre feeling better after posting.
sucks to hear about that, I've read into fibromyalgia for a while because of a constant ache in my side, and feeling tired all the time with on and off aches in other random places.

After no result blood tests, Doc wanted me to go to a neurologist but i asked for a rheumatologist, came back nothing wrong. But now doc thinks im a hypochondriac so wont send me to a neurologist now.

Things can look bad sometimes at the beginning in any bad situation, but you just have to look to the future and work out how to fix it. You cant fix the disease atm, but you can fix some of the problems. Maybe look into desk jobs? Join a few support groups? Or make one? SOmetimes helping others makes you feel better about yourself?
Write down the problems that Fibro is causing you and then brainstorm ideas of how to fix them...?

Hope youre feeling better after posting.

All my blood tests come back normal including B12, D, and got them to check for lymes disease for me it was the rheumatologist that beloved it to be Fibromyalgia and the neurologist confirmed that "nero functional disorder" and the neurologist found "Hoovers Sign and limb weakness in all limbs.

So maybe ask to see the Neurologist, or see another GP for 2nd opinion. I wish you all the very best.
Yeah my rheumatologist found a vit d major def I envy which cured the tiredness but not the aches. I've seen a second doc but because of the first ones thinking and a history or panick attacks a few years ago they're not interested. Given up with them now. But glad you managed to get to the bottom of yours even though it must suck at the same time
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