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Fibromyalgia - Just diagnosed what the hell now

Sorry to hear bud. It's also a diagnosis that is fairly new and seems to come with a myriad of effects that the nhs are still not at all clued in to.
I would imagine pregabilin/ gabapentin or morphine is already prescribed. As Rob said anytime you need to shout or ask anything were here. Can't guarantee we will have any answers but we can compare notes on illnesses.
As for the financial side. There may come a time when you do have to scale back. You may already be there. Talk with the missus. And make the choices together based on what you can do. Don't push on indefinitely and make yourself worse. There's a certain releif in accepting a simpler set up. The journey can be stressful but many of us have travelled it before and can help or at least advise.
Good luck mate and shout whenever.
Book a double appointment at the doctors. Get them to talk through fibro with you. Ask for a referal to the pain clinic. They will help with physio and adjust pain meds. They can be condescending arseholes " picture the pain disappearing" my arse!. But they are the gateway to help. Amitriptyline is the devils arse. I've had it for my spinal condition and it's that that causes the brain ache. That said don't stop until you have a replacement of the previous mentioned meds.
Get on line. It's a new diagnosis (relatively) and the sufferers tend to know it better than the doctors.
Again shout at anytime.
Sorry to hear your shit news @Slanger. But you are not alone! Even though it may feel like it mate. Shoot us a PM if you want a natter. We’ve also got a Facebook group for vapers with disabilities, many of whom have fibro. Here’s the link:

This is not the end of the line mate and there’s plenty of us out there. @Vaping Biker recently did a fantastic video about his experiences of living with Fibro and AS. Have a looksie if you’ve chance :

Thank you all, I just got off the phone to my GP who has really upped my Amitriptyline but as they have not received anything back from the Neurology yet, she has asked I wait a week or so and then book an appointment to see her if they have the information through.

I suppose the panic sets in about money, thats really stressing me out at the moment as I don't know what the future holds and I have to keep reminding myself what I would say to someone else and that is take it step by step; day by day. I never was any good at listening to myself.

When ever I try to read up anything at the moment my head feels like its going to explode and my body is crashing, so looks like I am going to have to take baby steps with the information, and find a way to deal with the pain.
Yep, take it one day at a time mate and try not to project too much into the future. It’s always with a bleak tinge that we initially react to these things, but trust me, your life is far from over. It’ll be different, but that doesn’t necessarily mean bad. @Vaping Biker has achieved some great, productive stuff as a direct reaction to living with our condition. Who’s to say what may happen on your journey mate? Stay strong, stay positive. You’ve now just made many friends out there in the big wide world that you didn’t know you had. And we’re here if you need owt mate [emoji106]
@Pilgrim23 thank you and I just see that video and I found it very emotional and such a hard thing to show and speak in the manner in which Vaping Biker did. It takes someone very special to do that, what a star.
@Slanger apologies if my post earlier was insensitive? I do have very real experience of Fibro, my ex wife has been diagnosed for over 15 years, I know very well the struggles and trials involved with trying to get answers, let alone treatment.

I wish you well.
I can't say much except I hope things will work out for you in a better way than you might be thinking.
@hol no offence or insensitivity, I took it as useful reminder of how some information on the web is more harmful then good and to try and be subjective when looking at these. So I thank you.
Ive got a couple of members of family from the wifes side with this condition and both seem to manage pretty well.
I believe both use morphine patches for pain.
Read the above link and look into amitriptyline a little more cos as far as i was aware it was used for treatment against depression in higher doses 50mg - 150mg or bed wetting in tiddly peeps at extremely low doses of say 5mg.
It would help with sleep but not sure if using it for pain relief will show much results.
It will also add to the brain fog for quite a few months till youve got used to them.
Hope youre as least affected as possible pal.
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