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Fibromyalgia - Just diagnosed what the hell now

Thank you all, I just got off the phone to my GP who has really upped my Amitriptyline but as they have not received anything back from the Neurology yet, she has asked I wait a week or so and then book an appointment to see her if they have the information through.

I suppose the panic sets in about money, thats really stressing me out at the moment as I don't know what the future holds and I have to keep reminding myself what I would say to someone else and that is take it step by step; day by day. I never was any good at listening to myself.

When ever I try to read up anything at the moment my head feels like its going to explode and my body is crashing, so looks like I am going to have to take baby steps with the information, and find a way to deal with the pain.

Are you only on amiltriptiline for pain or is it used with other pain relief meds, i use amiltriptiline last thing at night with tramadol through the day for a back problem. Amiltiptiline is in essence an anti depressant in larger doses but smaller doses are used to supplement other pain relief meds. Also they do relieve some stomach troubles associated with diabetes at lower doses.
All pharma drugs are bad to some extent i know, so have you tried maybe cbd eliquids ?
Really sorry to hear this. Seems like you need to talk to someone who's educated in this field. Maybe a doctor or counsellor.
i dont suffer with Fibro but i am quite famous in the medical circles of being one of only 3 in the world recorded to have every form of arthritis.
deep breath, started in 1985 after being told at the age of 21 to not plan ahead as i would be in a wheelchair within 9 months. before that i was fit and healthy.
they wasnt far wrong and for over 10 years couldnt walk without crutches but im a fighter and i wont let this fukwit disease bring me down.
so i have, ostio arthritis, ankleosingspodilitus, rhumatoid, psoryatic, eyeritis, uveitus and just lately bleteritus. last 3 are all to do with the eye as blind in one thanks to it all.
yes they used me as a guinea pig and for the last 16 years i have been on a anti TNF infusion treatment (wonder drug if you ask me as not used crutches since) where i sit on a drip every 6 weeks and it totally kills my imune system as that is what is attacking my joints instead of protecting me from disease. (its also used for Fibro) ask your doc but dont tell them i told you as its bloddy expensive.
yes im in pain almost continuously as the damage has already been done to almost all joints but fuck it i say. onwards and downwards upwards. im still working for our fucked up nhs, im still driving, and i like to let my hair down once or twice a year where i stop all my meds and drink a bottle of captain morgans rum with a straw at my christmas party (not long to go) and ive not fallen over once.

moral of the story is yup it can make you very down sometimes but once the right concoction of meds is sorted for you it hopefully it will keep it under control.
stay strong @Slanger and were always here when you want to let rip. ill just get the popcorn ready.
I cant thank you all enough for your support, its been amazing. You are all true stars.
Are you only on amiltriptiline for pain or is it used with other pain relief meds, i use amiltriptiline last thing at night with tramadol through the day for a back problem. Amiltiptiline is in essence an anti depressant in larger doses but smaller doses are used to supplement other pain relief meds. Also they do relieve some stomach troubles associated with diabetes at lower doses.
All pharma drugs are bad to some extent i know, so have you tried maybe cbd eliquids ?

"Are you only on amiltriptiline for pain" - Yes with paracetamol and ibuprofen. I think they are using the amiltriptiline as I brain pain suppressor.

They have giving me a prescription for something else - but I have to collect it and cant translate the Drs handwriting.
There by the grace of God go I. Sorry to hear of your medical problems gents. You all seem to be facing it with such bravery. And despite all this, you still manage to be nice to all. Bravo
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