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Finally got the TFV12

Local Vape shop sold it for £40.
So far. So good.

Now we await the coils to hit the shelves !
Pearson comes onto a thread, their pleased with what they've bought, and want to share it, they take the time and effort to put images on the thread, and what do they get?

Snide ridicule, and condescending comments.

We are all ex smokers, remember that. When I smoked my fist fag no one looked down on me, I became part of a club, welcomed to a club that with hindsight I wish I'd never joined. Whatever; that's all our history;

Do we descend into base snobbery?

I refuse to do so. Don't give a fiddlers fuck if your MTL/DTL Clouds Bro/Dripper/300 fucking watts, who gives a cosmic shit? each to their own, whatever tank you own.

Ignore the snobs/ know all's; they will give you nothing but
a bad time. Just enjoy.

As long as your vaping, you ain't smoking, keep on dancing, and fuck em all.
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Pearson comes onto a thread, their pleased with what they've bought, and want to share it, they take the time and effort to put images on the thread, and what do they get?

Snide ridicule, and condescending comments.

We are all ex smokers, remember that. When I smoked my fist fag no one looked down on me, I became part of a club, welcomed to a club that with hindsight I wish I'd never joined. Whatever; that's all our history;

Do we descend into base snobbery?

I refuse to do so. Don't give a fiddlers fuck if your MTL/DTL Clouds Bro/Dripper/300 fucking watts, who gives a cosmic shit? each to their own, whatever tank you own.

Ignore the snobs/ know all's; they will give you nothing but
a bad time. Just enjoy.

As long as your vaping, you ain't smoking, keep on dancing, and fuck em all.
We've tried hard to help the OP on multiple threads, He's simply obsessed with Power and clouds, We've tried to explain that It's simply pointless to vape at 350w, Even now after explaining it to him he refuses to turn the power right down because he feels like running the mod at lower power will be a "Waste of money" after upgrading from a GPriv.

We're not being snobby, we're not being know alls, and very few people on here will claim to know everything - I certainly don't. However people commenting on this thread DO know about vaping, they DO have enough experience to know the OP is doing something very wrong and we did try to help, in fact our aim is to help the OP enjoy his vaping, it's just a shame that he's not quite taken our advice to heart - although I hope he will. So perhaps you should try to be a little less judgemental yourself...
Pearson comes onto a thread, their pleased with what they've bought, and want to share it, they take the time and effort to put images on the thread, and what do they get?

Snide ridicule, and condescending comments.

We are all ex smokers, remember that. When I smoked my fist fag no one looked down on me, I became part of a club, welcomed to a club that with hindsight I wish I'd never joined. Whatever; that's all our history;

Do we descend into base snobbery?

I refuse to do so. Don't give a fiddlers fuck if your MTL/DTL Clouds Bro/Dripper/300 fucking watts, who gives a cosmic shit? each to their own, whatever tank you own.

Ignore the snobs/ know all's; they will give you nothing but
a bad time. Just enjoy.

As long as your vaping, you ain't smoking, keep on dancing, and fuck em all.
Maybe u should have had a good read b4 posting this !!
Maybe u should have had a good read b4 posting this !!

needs to have a good read of the OPs other threads and realise he is using unsafe batteries as well.....

but how dare anyone suggest that he uses safe batteries to avoid the potential of his mod exploding, and reduce the wattage to stop burning out his coils.

so we should all take note, leave them vape on with burnt coils until the mod explodes in their face!!
and then the cost of the g350, about £60 plus, and £25 plus for the 4 pink samsungs....

so about £125 to vape burnt coils!!!


but just ignore me, i'm a condescending, snidey, riduculing knows nothing...

just enjoy the burning taste
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