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Finally got the TFV12

Pearson comes onto a thread, their pleased with what they've bought, and want to share it, they take the time and effort to put images on the thread, and what do they get?

Snide ridicule, and condescending comments.

We are all ex smokers, remember that. When I smoked my fist fag no one looked down on me, I became part of a club, welcomed to a club that with hindsight I wish I'd never joined. Whatever; that's all our history;

Do we descend into base snobbery?

I refuse to do so. Don't give a fiddlers fuck if your MTL/DTL Clouds Bro/Dripper/300 fucking watts, who gives a cosmic shit? each to their own, whatever tank you own.

Ignore the snobs/ know all's; they will give you nothing but
a bad time. Just enjoy.

As long as your vaping, you ain't smoking, keep on dancing, and fuck em all.

No dispespect but read the whole thread, the OP is obsessed with power and clouds, which from experience is not a very pleasant way to vape and also is a more expensive way. All of which is the cause of the posts. See mine I have given advice throughout and some of the advice was where to get the coils cheaper to try and save the OP money. When people won't take advice on board especially those with little experience then we know that an accident may well be on the cards. Thats when Vaping gets more critisicism which is exactly what we all want to avoid, people take no notice of using extremely low ohm coil builds on a mech and end up blowing their face off, people ignore advice not to carry batteries lose in pockets and go onto set themselves on fire then blame everything but themselves, Most accidents are user error yet vaping gets a bad name for the sake of someones ignorance or unwillingness to learn.
The points raised by us who posted are merely in concern for the danger due to the OP turning a blind eye to everyones sensible approach and nothing to do with anything other. safety first is a must where vaping is concerned
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if i told you how many smok tanks i have, then you would get really upset...

here goes...

tfv4 mini
3 tfv4 micro
tfv4 nano
2 tf rdta
2 tf g2
tf g4
baby beast

although most of them are still unused in the boxes!! all except one tfv4 micro, actually.
if i told you how many smok tanks i have, then you would get really upset...

here goes...

tfv4 mini
3 tfv4 micro
tfv4 nano
2 tf rdta
2 tf g2
tf g4
baby beast

although most of them are still unused in the boxes!! all except one tfv4 micro, actually.


hahaha, you are crazy. :)

hahaha, you are crazy. :)

i'd buy one (or 2) and then see the slating they were getting and think its not worth wasting my time trying them...

then i'd buy "the new one" and the same thing happened....

and repeat...!!!
if i told you how many smok tanks i have, then you would get really upset...

here goes...

tfv4 mini
3 tfv4 micro
tfv4 nano
2 tf rdta
2 tf g2
tf g4
baby beast

although most of them are still unused in the boxes!! all except one tfv4 micro, actually.
I do like the TFV4 Micro myself...that's why I ordered another from Gearbest.
It appears to be a tank that is now hard to find in the UK....so to Gearbest I went.....and the long wait continues :17:
I do like the TFV4 Micro myself...that's why I ordered another from Gearbest.
It appears to be a tank that is now hard to find in the UK....so to Gearbest I went.....and the long wait continues :17:

i think it may have been overlooked to some extent by the furore surrounding the tfv4 & tfv4 mini at the time perhaps. i didn't think it was a bad tank.

one day i may try the others.
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