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First 18650 vtc4 sub ohm build, need help.


May 26, 2014
Hi all,
Until now I always used stacked 18350 batts and never ventured below 1.2 ohm coils.
Now my batts are nearing the end of their life so I decided to get a good battery and venture into sub ohm builds so I bought a vtc5 from eBay and built a 0.5 dual coil, the problem though was that the coil took around 4 seconds to heat up and then slowly simmered but on YouTube similar builds instantly fire and chug out immense smoke so I put it down to a dodgy battery from an untrusted supplier and went to a quality vape shop today to pick up a legit one, they only had vtc4's so I got one and rebuilt to 0.4 Only to find the same results.
Using a RaiVape clone mech mod
Magma paradigm rda
26 awg A1 kanthal dual coil 6 wrap build (0.4 ohms)
Organic cotton
Sony Vtc4 battery
All help appreciated, thanks
Use a thinner gauge kanthal, 0.3mm I find works well and ramps up quicker, I only use 0.4mm on regulated.

As an alternative take a coil out and run single, you will still be sub territory.
As Danny says, do a single coil and try again. Will work far better for you.

you can try dual with the fiddly thin wire, unless you're a fumble thumbs like me.

Sony stopped making VTC5 a while back, so any you see marked as such these days are fakes so be very wary!!
You are also used to stacked batteries which are not recommended on safety grounds but if my understanding is correct it doubles your voltage so you are now putting half the voltage you are used to through your build.
Someone correct me if I am wrong .
You may well benefit from a full strip down and good clean of all points of contact including threads on the mech, you'd be surprised how much voltage drop you get from a poor contact, from memery the sag on vtc batts is pretty bad so maybe get a battery with some more oomph like a Samsung 25r or 20r both are good.
Ok this all makes sense and yes I am aware that my stacked were kicking out higher voltage but im not using this as comparison, I am watching people building dual coils on the same rda with the same kanthal, same resistance and same battery, so I can't get my head around why mine doesn't fire as quick or as hot. The only difference really is the mech mod but I tried it on 3 different mechs with same results.
I don't get it.
Danny K that's what I was thinking, volt drop hence I tried on 3 mechs but to be honest all 3 could prob do with a good clean. Any cleaning tips?
Ultrasonic cleaner if you have one, cheap vodka or soapy water if not.
Strip it all down, an old toothbrush is useful for the threads.
Dry thoroughly and you're good to go.

Now i have to go clean my Nemi.....
MalikManc that's pretty fat wire so does take a little while to heat up to temperature. .. on youtube I suspect they have pre warmed the coils by firing a few times before filming. .. I have some fatter wire and seem to find exactly the same thing... so currently on 0.3mm wire... can still do low ohms builds but doesn't need pre warming up
MalikManc that's pretty fat wire so does take a little while to heat up to temperature. .. on youtube I suspect they have pre warmed the coils by firing a few times before filming. .. I have some fatter wire and seem to find exactly the same thing... so currently on 0.3mm wire... can still do low ohms builds but doesn't need pre warming up

Thanks for looking in, can you give me an example of your build please as I have a reel of 28 awg.
How many wraps of what diameter?
Whats your resistance?
Must be dual coil right? As by my reckoning 0.5 on a single coil with this wire would be only 3 wraps and that don't seem enough surface area for me.
Thanks again.
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