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First attempt at RTA with Ammit MTL a disaster!

All I can recommend is not giving up, Always a learning curve when you first start with rta’s and rda’s It looks like you have the basics down.

It may simply be this is not the rta for you, or it’s faulty.

Some good recommendations above for some rta’s, my first was a vandy vape pyro which was thankfully forgiving eneough and worked well eneough for me too not give up. I still use it on occasions.
Spread the wraps of the coil out - especially the outer wraps
this will offer more support to the wicking to keep it away from air block

If a saturated wick just starts to touch the air block then juice will transfer
on bottom air flow tanks it may start to weep out
on the Ammit it will gurgle/flood if excess liquid drips near/in the air jets on deck

you want wick supported as much as possible before starting to drop downwards into juice wells

Raise the coil - better to be a smidge higher than lower

Some people can can get on with some tanks
& others simply can not seem to get on with that tank for some reason(s)
They either "suss it" in the end or they don't

Most tanks have a qwirk or two in the way you build 'em
I got on OK with it most of the time, bit of flooding when I refilled it now n then
but it was nothing special to me in the end and too fucking big/tall/wide with me feeling overpriced & over rated

by all means persevere with it a bit, spead out the coil a bit and raise it up a bit
ensuring wick cannot touch anywhere it shouldn't etc....
reckon you might suss it in the end but if not cut ya losses and grab a better rta I'm afraid

Thanks man... good advice and tbh I thought this would turn out to be the cause but sadly, even with the wick painstakingly placed so that none of it touched any of the raised deck parts, this catastrophic flooding problem remains. Somehow juice is getting into the air flow and it's not from the wick. I'm returning it and will try something else.
Thanks to everyone for your kind help and comments, it's very much appreciated. I'm not giving up, we'll see how it goes with another RTA.
I used a innokin ares tank on my venture into rta..I had a few mishaps to start off with but asked a few questions here and soon got to grips with things..it was a great RTA tank easy to use and build on..only gave it up as I liked the innokin zenith tank and coils..
I would recommend the ares for a novice as it’s simple to set up and use and lots of information out there and here..
OP "could" consider ordering a:

Ehpro True - 1st choice RTA
Cthulhu Hastur (3.5ml is same size as Ammit or smaller mini Hastur) 2nd choice for easy build/refill but bit airy)
Vapefly Galaxies RTA MTL - nice tank - can flood a tiny bit for a brief while now n then when refilling but soon goes
(watch the amps/volts - you don't need as much power as other tanks or it may try to spit at first draw - still great tank)

Ares is good one to start with but now is no longer a cheap tank to get hold of easily, so a bit overpriced now imho

The others will set you back between $18 to $22 from AliExpress/FastTech
carry on trying to suss the Ammit for next two weeks whilst the other tank is being shipped

OR - fuck it get a Zenith as it just fucking works - honestly if stuff works why bother fucking about some feel with RTA stuff
(still use mine very very often - the flavour & ease of use is very good & switch between True & Zenith tanks atm)

All tanks are sound - they all get very good/great results - the vape in each in slightly different but all are bloody good tanks
any flaws and opinions are just my own honest & personal findings
As above - what next? Keep trying, most of us struggled at first. :)

After much deliberation I decided on the Ehpro True Tank. I like the look of the deck on this one and reviews seem to suggest that it's one of the better MTL tanks out there. I'll let you know how I get on with it.
After much deliberation I decided on the Ehpro True Tank. I like the look of the deck on this one and reviews seem to suggest that it's one of the better MTL tanks out there. I'll let you know how I get on with it.
I have one of those and I like it! :2thumbsup:

Come back if you have any issues.
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