I would like to pick on the facebook comments, having an fb account I have a number of vaping groups some informative, some are just for selling, but lets remember fb has no rules and if a group does it's imposed by the person who created the group. I have come across a number regarding buying/selling/trades where someone has been left out of pocket, the problem with this is there is no recourse other than the person who created the group removing the offender, but that doesn't help the person who is out of pocket.
I join forums to get help and information, Ok sometimes the hardest part is getting your post count up but as a noob you can ask questions that will help you gain some of the knowledge and experience others have gained, they have btdtgtts so their knowledge is invaluable.
I'll take up
@mick brown comment about site donations, that's a difficult one, but I am a member of a couple where you can get help and support but if you want to use a certain feature of say the software provided there is a cost. Likewise with forums like this there is a cost for hosting the site and there has to be a cost in maintaining it, you then have forum mods who volunteer THEIR time to the smooth running of a forum.
Having rules and restrictions helps them with their role and contributes to what one hopes is a smooth running forum.
I think what I fail to understand is those that join a forum don't introduce themselves, ask a question, get an answer, then either don't have the courtesy to say thank you or give an update....then they bugger off until they want more help.
Ok look at POTV, let's say you charge £5 pa membership, not gonna break the bank is it, and before anyone says that's 150k+ pa, but it would pay for the site incl maintenance, some payment could go to the mods for their time and what's stopping the rest of it being used as monthly competition give aways, it's not rocket science.