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Getting really frustrated with my coils!

Hey thanks fleeing! Yes it is the Cobra for the both of us :D

I am using 270 mesh, Mark is on 400 .20 Kanthal wire (for me)
Elitist lol lets not go there :)
yeah it's the Cobra. Only had it from this morning and I've never used mesh wick before and only short experience with the RDA. I've not really given up yet. I think I used too much mesh and rolled it too tightly
I bought a cooks blow torch for the purpose and did it loads of times and i did the burning ejuice thing too but I'll make another one tomorrow ..
Well at least if the cobra doesn't work out you can make a nice crispy Creme brûlée :D
So i removed a coil last night, put the LT up to 3.4 an now I have vapour! I had to wiggle the coils about a bit to get rid of hot spots and viola! i am happy now :D
no luck mate? .. can you not use fibre wicks in this ?
no luck mate? .. can you not use fibre wicks in this ?
Wouldn't have thought so ZT and it kinda negates why I bought it. Having popped 4 coils last night and when I got one working just getting burnt metallic taste I'm pretty sure the fault lies with the wick.
i think I used too much mesh and rolled it too tight to get it in through the hole into the chamber
So I'll persevere later and do another one. I've not given up just yet but after 3-4 hrs fiddling last night I'd lost the will and sat down with my mini Vivi and vaped the fuck out of 3 ml of Black Cat..that helped my mood :)
I think you COULD use fibre, but might prove a PITA to get the wick in the hole.

Oh no.........
lol you will get it mark! the ciggie paper DOES help! if I can find my lens I will take some pics of the mesh wicks I made but I think lil man got his hands on my lens!
Have to do an Asda shop online for cig papers..lol minimum spend 25 quid ..wonder if they sell needles..I'll get some more bananas too. Anyone else increasing their banana consumption since joining POTV ..nope? Just me then
must find Scott's cig trick vid too and post it somewhere
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