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Getting really frustrated with my coils!

Hey, all
Thought I'd chime in all unannounced, so please gfeel free to tell me to eff off... :)

I'm using DID and have also had a fair few problems. This is not my first genesis as I also have 2 Lines.

Ok, so low vapour is either the wick not pulling enough juice, or the voltage too low (actually wattage, but wth)

With 3/2 wraps of 0.2 Kanthal that should be around 1.4-1.5 ohm depending on wick diameter. If you're mod is showing 0.9, 1.0 etc, then it's shorting somewhere for sure.

In my experience it's generally the top coil that shorts. There's a couple of reasons. Firstly, it's likely not getting as much juice as lower coils so it tends to get hotter and can burn through the oxidised layer (which only a few microns thick).
Secondly, the length of wire from the coil to the post is entirely un-cooled, so keep that as short as physically possible.

I don't know the Cobra, personally so this info may be entirely wrong. What I do is stick one prong of the tweezers down inside the coil and just squeeze the top coil where it leaves the wick to go to the post very gently. This fixed my top coil problems instantly.

Anyway, thats my 2p worth.
Its really easy

This is a 400 mesh

And this is it unrolled to show you how thin it is

With the cig paper trick, after oxidizing all you do it take a super small piece of paper and wrap it where the coils will go, then wrap the coils :D and it should help
WTF is up with my finger nail on my thumb LMFAO it doesnt look like that in person!
Hey thanks for your post BAzz, I am not sure I understand what you mean though about squeezing the top coil?

PS we would never tell you to eff off! We're totally new at this whole rebuildable thing so we need all the help we can get!

ZT Thanks :) its just a lil 10x magnifying lens I picked up off of ebay ages ago for dirt cheap :) I love it though!
Well I've done another wick and if I say so myself I oxidised the bejesus out of it. During the process of flaming juice on it as Scott showed in his tutorial it was slurping up the juice. I used less mesh this time. So all good

Wired the coil, nice and neat. Fired it up. Hmm vapour! So far so good.

Wacked it on the VV and it showed 1.3 ohms. Nice. Put the cap on after topping up the tank and vaped. Nothing. Checked the readout which showed it was too low a resistance to vape. Checked the ohm reading again. 0.9! Top wrap of the coil was glowing. The others not.

So i fiddled with the wire. The bottom one was very close to the second wrap. Spread them evenly again. The top wire was a little wide of the wick so managed to tighten it a wee bit. I took it off the VV Gripper and put it on my mini Touchwood. Fired ok and vaped. Well it wasn't fantastic but it vaped ok. Flavour not the best. Ok vapour. No Throathit

Put it back on the VV and read 1.4 ohm. Vaped it at 3 V. It's ...okay..it's Vaping. Not amazing by any stretch. There is no burning or metallic taste at least but I have far better disposable devices than this and it is under performing against the Vivi Novas

In all ... do you reckon SS wicks are worth the messing ?
Well as I've said before ZT so many rebuildable fans can't be wrong I guess but ...so far....no..not for me..but it's early days. I'm not saying its not worth it. I'm saying I can't get it to work as well as say a Vivi and no where near as good an experience as dripping on a 306
Hey thanks for your post BAzz, I am not sure I understand what you mean though about squeezing the top coil?

PS we would never tell you to eff off! We're totally new at this whole rebuildable thing so we need all the help we can get!

ZT Thanks :) its just a lil 10x magnifying lens I picked up off of ebay ages ago for dirt cheap :) I love it though!

No prob.. Ok, the wick is like a hollow tube, right? With the coil wrapped around near one end (I'm taking vertical, wick down into the tank style of atomiser here)

So, you stick one prong of the tweezers down inside the coil until the other prong is at the top coil. Then just give it a squeeze.

The point is, you want as much of the coil actually touching the wick as possible. Anything not touching, is not contributing to heating the juice one bit.

here's a pic of my DID
Best Coil Did.jpg
You an see that the path from coil to post at the top is very short. You can also see something that I've been playing with - Once the wick is rolled and oxidised, roll another much thinner one and oxidise that, then insert into the first wick.

Not sure yet if the wicking is vastly improved but it's certainly working well.

Thats 3/2 wraps of 0.20 Kanthal, registering 1.5ohm.

ps.. why doesn't my avatar show up on the posts?
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