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Getting to grips with TC. Need some help with the DNA250C


Nov 16, 2014
hoping someone can help.

I recently bought a new DNA250C mod and a FreeMax Mesh Pro tank. I am very happy with both, except some small issues with this mod.

The reply idea of the DNA250C appeals to me. Set it and forget it, but I'm finding that I am not getting the vape I want and I spend ages in the settings (getting lost sometimes in escribe) and I can't get it right.

I want a nice warm vape which doesn't burn the coils. I have it set to 75watts (this confuses me as I just want a temperature to set, I have no idea what wattage to put, my other mod just allowed me to change temp). Yet the draws I get from it are weak. I check the last puff and it shows me that it was around 35 watts. Well I need to bump that up then, but I have no idea how.

I've tried changing the boost settings but that seems to do nothing. How can I tweak this so it works best with these coils (ss316 by the way).

I'm currently vaping in wattage only mode at 50 watts. Only then do I get a good hit. Even switching off replay and going into SS316 and cranking up the temp to nearly the max the coils take, I still get a cold weak hit.
Whilst admitting I don't have access to any real statistics on the matter, my experience tells me that the vast majority of vapers have no interest in fancy vaping modes such as temp control or replay mode etc etc. Most of us have tried all the capabilities of modern mod technology at some point but always end up coming back to plain old wattage mode. Why?, because it's simple and it works. Set the wattage you want and off you go. Feel you need a bit more vapour, just bang it up.Feel you want to calm it down a bit, drop it down again.

It's a case of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
True. I will admit however (and while I cant confirm juice consumption) that battery life is much longer when using TC. Which is something i value at the moment.
The reason I asked this question is that my old MVP 3 mod when set to the same temp gives me a decent vape. Much stronger. This mod is just weak unless I either
a) use wattage only, beating the main and arguably only selling point to these devices and
b) mess about with settings I don't really understand (cranking up wattages and pre-heat temps) in a vain attempt to get this mod to just "work".
Have you tried the same Tank/RDA you are using on your MVP 3 with the same build and wick that you have in it now.
If not it could be that your wicking is not keeping up with the wattage in replay so that it is cutting the power to prevent a dry hit (this also applies with TC).
If yes and it's okay you may have your max wattage too low for TC to work, although this shouldn't affect Replay.

If it's a tank is your juice flow control open enough?
There must be loads of forums setup around discussion of the DNA250C Chip and all it's functionality. Sounds like you just need to spend a lot more time studying the subject until you understand every parameter in escribe. A long road of study lies ahead of you but at the end of that road you will probably end up back where you started, on good old wattage mode.

If battery life really matters that much, just get some more batteries :)
Have you tried adjusting the 'Warmth' setting. I use Replay all the time, and sometimes adjust that value.
I do all my adjustments on the mod.
There is no temp settings in Replay. What ohm is the coil, have you tried it in a profile for the correct wire type.
Go to Evolv forums & either read through or ask the question there.
For quicker, better answers include resistance, wire type, profile settings (screenshot helps) & anything else you feel relevant.
Watt settings are secondary in TC as power is only used to get coil to temp as quick as possible, so in a profile you can set watts 50% more than you run it in power mode & use temp to adjust vape. If you've messed the settings up on the mod, restore to default & start again.
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