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Given the risk of legislation and other actions imposed in the future months / years.

Would you be happy to pay the same as a pack of fags for your eJuice equivalent?

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Okay, so you want to bring in revenue, you point out the addictive nature of the nicotine content in the ecigs, ecigs that haven't been fully tested or regulated by bodies AB and C, and you emphasize the effect nicotine has on potential narrowing of the arteries, thus strokes/heart attacks, you also highlight how these, "novelty" tobacco items glamorize addiction to youth, so therefore generations of "addicts" are being created and perpetuated, and you add in the media, who love a scare story, etcetcetc...I'm not saying that this is something that will happen, but I am also not saying that I would be the most surprised individual on the planet if it were to play out in such a way similar to this.

Edit: On the other hand, what pro-vapers shouldn't do is what I have seen many marajuana advocates do during the years, which is to deny any negatives whatsoever. Nothing is 100% hunky-dory, apart from David Bowie music before some point in the eighties, and to be 100% positive is to be blinkered, it doesn't help your cause, you come off as deluded or weak-minded to regular people. (They pretend to exist ;) )
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n and other actions imposed in the future months / years.

Pot is legal in colorado. I will admit if i ever leave here...colorado is my state of choice to move back to!

Ps ... Juvy = Juvenile Detention :strawberry:
I can only assume that whatever happens, the price of eJuice will increase in the not so distant future, whether that be because it gets regulated, taxed heavily or we all end up going black market to counter the limits imposed on 4mg eJuice or whatever happens.

So, would you be happy to pay the price equivalent to a pack of cigarettes in order to obtain the amount of eJuice to cater for your nicotine need?

For example. If you smoke 3ml to cater for a £7.50 pack of B&H, would you be happy to pay £7.50 for that 3ml of juice?

You all seem to have got it wrong about a 4mg limit, it is actually 2mg max and that is in any sized container, being to 2mg max nicotine in a 1ml bottle or a 60ml bottle, you will only get 4mg strength in a 0.5 ml container and good luck finding a vendor that sells juice in a 0.5 mg container. I'm on 6mg juice so to drop by only 2mg wasn't such a big drop until you read the directive more closely 2mg max in any sized container. The dirty rotten baskets, the death of e liquid as 99% of us know it.
If they do introduce a nic limit. Can somebody warm me a month or so in advance? I'll buy a few 250ml bottle of nicotine to top my juice up. Or. Just go back to mixing my own.
I also think to an extent we need to remember that this isn't actually our government doing this too us.

its the EU and its profit orientated big business backing.

the truth is ..our government has. Not YET failed us on this issue ... Doesn't mean to say say they won't .. In fact it's likely they will .. But to keep things in perspective .....
I still think this EU thing is ridiculous and why in any gods name would a collective of countries want to be governed by a unified government for cultures that are vastly different and keep them umbrella'ed under single laws is beyond me.

Why not just change the countries to states and be known as European States because this is what it is reflective of and you know how badly the US doesn't work!
IMO we shouldn't be in this euro 'federation' it costs billions every year that could be used here to help our own instead of propping up the rest of the EU and it's failing currency
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