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Given the risk of legislation and other actions imposed in the future months / years.

Would you be happy to pay the same as a pack of fags for your eJuice equivalent?

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If they do introduce a nic limit. Can somebody warm me a month or so in advance? I'll buy a few 250ml bottle of nicotine to top my juice up. Or. Just go back to mixing my own.
You won't be able to mix your own as sales of nicotine will be a MAX 2mg strength in any sized bottle, there will be no more nicotine base liquid on sale legally that is. They might be twat's but their not stupid, they have all the angles covered, you can risk importing juice from the USA or China, but if inspected by customs it will be seized. So the choices we will be faced with is 1: go to zero nic. 2: Buy higher nic strength cigalikes from the chemists with a prescription. 3: Buy your juice on the black market, but no way of knowing its quality or safety.
Some choice huh. I'm going to buy nic as close to the directive as possible and have enough to last 2 years until it goes off.
I also think to an extent we need to remember that this isn't actually our government doing this too us.

its the EU and its profit orientated big business backing.

the truth is ..our government has. Not YET failed us on this issue ... Doesn't mean to say say they won't .. In fact it's likely they will .. But to keep things in perspective .....
And that is why they won't make any effort to overturn the directive, all they have to say is " its a EU directive and our hands are tied, we have to implement EU regulations, unless they go the way of Sweden who have an exemption for Snus, but dont hold your breath.
And that is why they won't make any effort to overturn the directive, all they have to say is " its a EU directive and our hands are tied, we have to implement EU regulations, unless they go the way of Sweden who have an exemption for Snus, but dont hold your breath.

Dont get me wrong mate .. I think we all know which way our Government will face when it comes to the crunch .. I just thought it worth mentioning that as Of this minute in time .. our particular government is not YET to blame ...

I aint no fan of the government .. but equally .. In fairness I thought it worth pointing out that they aint actually officially let us down on this issue .. YET
Dont get me wrong mate .. I think we all know which way our Government will face when it comes to the crunch .. I just thought it worth mentioning that as Of this minute in time .. our particular government is not YET to blame ...

I aint no fan of the government .. but equally .. In fairness I thought it worth pointing out that they aint actually officially let us down on this issue .. YET
I know, no government has let their voters down yet, but they have been given a get out clause by the EU.
I buy my juice direct from a manufacturer in the States and they have said they won't have a problem in selling me juice in their bottles that tell porkies on the cover, way to go Yanks :2thumbsup:
Then I think you will have to share that vendor!
I know, no government has let their voters down yet, but they have been given a get out clause by the EU.
I buy my juice direct from a manufacturer in the States and they have said they won't have a problem in selling me juice in their bottles that tell porkies on the cover, way to go Yanks :2thumbsup:

Gotta love those Yanks! Scandalous they are!

Now I will just have to use my yankee doodle dandy skills and contact the manufacturers I know in the states and find out which one this is ;)
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