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Given the risk of legislation and other actions imposed in the future months / years.

Would you be happy to pay the same as a pack of fags for your eJuice equivalent?

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Never knew you swung that way Meg!
Some choice huh. I'm going to buy nic as close to the directive as possible and have enough to last 2 years until it goes off.
This should be a perfectly safe option. If you look at this history of NRT it started as prescription only and is now on sale in pound shops.
Can't do that, they are only going to do it for their top buying & loyal customers (just a handful of ppl)

Good of you not to release their name, since they would be breaking US and UK laws by incorrectly declaring goods and value on their export forms. That leads to a lot of problems which I am sure they would be devastated at losing a handful of loyal UK buyers.

I wouldnt be buying or loyal to any company that knowingly breaks laws just to make a few dollars.

Thats my 2 pence as consumer.
Good of you not to release their name, since they would be breaking US and UK laws by incorrectly declaring goods and value on their export forms. That leads to a lot of problems which I am sure they would be devastated at losing a handful of loyal UK buyers.

I wouldnt be buying or loyal to any company that knowingly breaks laws just to make a few dollars.

Thats my 2 pence as consumer.
They see this ban/directive as totally wrong like the rest of us and that the law is an arse.
Plus how many of us will be buying our liquid on the black market when this ban comes in, I 4 1 will not think twice about buying a safer product on the black market than going back to a known killer called fags. Which option is worse?
Since I DIY, I wont have a lack of juice problem. Once I break down a litre of 75mg nicotine, I will have between 4-5 litres, its taken me nearly 5 months to go through 250ml of 52mg nicotine, so I think I will be safe long into a ban and probably into a revision. By then, I will have the nerve to quit full stop.

I would prefer it if a ban wasn't in the making and didn't happen. The best option is to pull your socks up by the boot straps and start weaning yourself off of nicotine, which had been my goal from the beginning. I don't see this as a life long habit, just like I didnt see smoking as one, however this has given me a more realistic option of meeting my end goal of being completely free from any addictive substances in the future.

I personally don't agree with the "Im being forced to go back to smoking" option. It's an option that you make yourself. If a ban comes into effect and I wont have any juice at some point, I will be faced with a decision and I will choose to quit versus killing myself voluntarily.
My goal also is to give up nicotine completely and I am down from 24mg to 3mg and some 5mg left to use, found it hard to start with as I went straight to 5mg from 24mg, my last order of juice is 120ml of zero mg. So tbh this ban won't effect me one bit as I will still be able to buy my juice and keep my flavours. Will use either a strong menthol or Vodka to add to the juice for a bit of a throat hit when having a pint.
But that's me what about the rest who don't or can't give it like the 2 of us.
My goal also is to give up nicotine completely and I am down from 24mg to 3mg and some 5mg left to use, found it hard to start with as I went straight to 5mg from 24mg, my last order of juice is 120ml of zero mg. So tbh this ban won't effect me one bit as I will still be able to buy my juice and keep my flavours. Will use either a strong menthol or Vodka to add to the juice for a bit of a throat hit when having a pint.
But that's me what about the rest who don't or can't give it like the 2 of us.

That's impressive, trying to do the same myself but going to 11mg first then after a few months drop down again
My goal also is to give up nicotine completely and I am down from 24mg to 3mg and some 5mg left to use, found it hard to start with as I went straight to 5mg from 24mg, my last order of juice is 120ml of zero mg. So tbh this ban won't effect me one bit as I will still be able to buy my juice and keep my flavours. Will use either a strong menthol or Vodka to add to the juice for a bit of a throat hit when having a pint.
But that's me what about the rest who don't or can't give it like the 2 of us.

Stock up now and try it over the course of time? That would be my suggestion. I see no reason to go back to smoking and then blame someone else for smoking. I didnt smoke because I was forced to, I started because I wanted to be cool like my older friends and fit in with my mom and dad. It progressed into an addiction, which I am successfully combatting by using ecigs and lowering my nic intake in ways I feel comfortable. Even with my most recent 2 week relapse to cigs, I realise more than ever that I can never smoke again. If I cant do it for myself, I have to do it for my kids. It also helps, which hurts like hell, that i am losing my god father to stage 4 lung cancer and I probably wont see him before he goes.
That's impressive, trying to do the same myself but going to 11mg first then after a few months drop down again
I could have done it that way too, but I do everything like a bull in a china shop, if I have a goal I will get there the quickest way possible.
I have been told after 2 days the nicotine is out of your system, took quite a few more days than that for me to come to terms with the withdrawal symptoms, so your way is better than mine, but hopefully you will get there as well.
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