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Hello from the steamy jungle of southern Illinois in the ole USA


New Member
Jul 13, 2014
Hello all. I'm new to this forum but not new to vaping. I've been on the other forums but the drama is so bad that I had to leave. I will do the same here if it's the same way but I'm hoping it's not. I remember a time when the Vape community was small and close knit and people cared and helped each other like family. Sadly that's not how things are anymore. There are still a bunch of really good people out there but it seems we have had a huge flood of new vapers that are only here to cause trouble and in some cases get people hurt. I miss my old friends. I would love to make some new friends that are passionate about this hobby and lifestyle. I know your out there. I can smell your secret blend custards and ry4's.

Sent from my toaster using a spatula
Hello mate, welcome to POTV. Think you will find this forum to your liking. Of the few I have used this is by far the friendliest, least bitchy and most chilled out and relaxed I have found.
This sounds like just the place for you.
Friendly helpfull people.
Well moderated and only a bit of good natured drama.
The only person I consider a troll is rather ineffectual.
:2thumbsup: Hello kloudrider, Nice to meet you Mate!!! And Welcome to the Nuthouse!!!
Thanks everyone ! I do expect a lil drama. It keeps things from going stagnate sometimes. Lol. I'm just getting into modding and I have a ton of questions. I'm actually meeting a couple machine shop owners this week in hopes of starting production of a mech mod I've been conceptualizing over the last year. I'm also in the process of gathering vendors for a box mod project I have in the works as well. It seems box mods are now in fashion and I've always enjoyed the box mod form factor. I want to go the sleek route while staying with the Hammond 1590g box. I have worked in the fabrication and powder coating industry for a long while so my ideas would provide for high customization for the end user. So hopefully here soon I will be able to showcase some of my labors with all of you.

Sent from my toaster using a spatula
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