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Help please


Jul 12, 2020
Hi thanks for the add, hope its OK to ask for some advice im new to vaping and a bit clueless in all honesty. I went to a shop this week told them I didnt want to spend to much just yet as I want it more for a tool to help me quit smoking, I was sold a smok priv n19 for me and mu husband. Day one was OK I set it upright on the side when I went to bed got up the next morning and it was dripping liquid into my mouth when I inhaled on it so took it back to the shop and they replaced the coil for a 0.6 qent home vaped a bit and it was again OK just a lot harsher throat hit then again I got up in the morning and it had a puddle of juice around the very bottom where it was stood so again back to the shop I go and they tell me the part where the air holes are where loose so I try again and its not stopped leaking and feels extremely harsh on my throat my husband has the same machine and his is fine and nowhere near as harah on my throat....what the hell is going on ? I'm so close to giving in and going to buy a pack of 20 B&H lol is so much simpler than this
Hello and welcome to the forum. No problem about asking for advice, that's what the forum is for and we've all been where you are and starting our vaping journey.
When the shop said the part where the airholes was loose, what did they do about it?
Do you know which coil is in your husband's? What setting do you have it on? Which liquid are you using? Is it the same as your husband?
Sorry for all the questions but there are a lot of variables!
One tip to help stop leaking is when you fill the tank make sure you close the airflow first, this can help create a vacuum in the tank and help with leaking, it doesn't solve all leaking but it's a start.
Don't reach for the b&h, it's a set back but with some help you can get through this, you can quit, stay strong.
hi, vaping takes a bit of knowledge on a few bits but is easy to get the hang of it. The community here is great and ask anything you want.

first I assume you vape MTL as smoke. the 0.6 ohm coil is for Direct Lung hits , usually not for the people wanting to quit cigs, maybe a bit down the line.

Stick to the 1.4 coil, with 50/50 or 60/40 juice and a max of 12mg nicotine.
Hello thanks for your replies ,dont be sorry for all the questions def need to be asked, all they did in the shop today was tighten the bit where the air holes are and sent me on my way. The juice the coil and the wattage are all the same on my husbands ad they are on mine . The liquid is vampire vape 50.50 and is 12mg as I thought is what I'd need being a 20 a day smoker but I am wondering if that may be slightly string hence the throat hit being a bit over powering . I have closed the air holes on filling ive only filled once myself the other times the shop has done it for menbut its leaking that much ive gone through a whole bottle since day before yesterday now I'm so disheartened I really don't want to turn to my b&h ,love that u get a nice flavour and don't smell after u have had a puff but i just feel like its so complicated and I dont know what I'm doing so its not going to be for me very thankful for any advice though hopefully I can get on track with it . Do u think I should swap back to the 1.4 coil ?
Hi Sade's and welcome to the forum.

As others have said, it's just a set back but please don't give up too quickly. You will soon get the hang of vaping. We're a really friendly bunch on here and all try to help each other. Most of us are just end users so we're not going to try to sell you anything either.

I know it may seem like a lot of messing around when you first start but if you persevere with it you'll be so glad in the end because it is definitely worth it. I've been vaping 7 years and I'm enjoying it so much wild horses couldn't drag me back to smoking again.

Since you bought both devices, are you both vaping the same ejuice or have you bought different flavours?

The reason I ask is because the ratio of PG and VG in the liquid may be different between different bottles.

Above the USB charging port you have a second button which adjusts the power setting and it may be that yours is on a higher setting than your husbands so you just have to keep pressing it to scroll through the settings to choose the one you like. There are 4 different settings which are:-
M = Mild.
S = Soft.
N = Normal.
H = Hard.

As @KytanDale said, as you are just starting out the 1.4ohm coil is the best one to start out on and with that type of coil you want the juice to be slightly higher in PG (propylene glycol) content and up to 12 mg nicotine.

When you use the other coils they are sub ohm coils which means the coil resistance is less than 1 ohm and for those you need to use different juice which has less PG and also less nicotine or it will be too harsh but for the time being just forget about those coils and stick to the 1.4ohm to get going.

As for leaking, yes vaping can get messy until you learn the right ways to prevent it happening but be patient and you'll figure it out pretty quickly.

The coils just push in and pull out so they are really easy to change. On the new coils there are 2 o-rings so first make sure you can see both of them are on and don't appear damaged at all.

When you are putting in a brand new unused coil it's a good idea to prime the coil first by just getting your juice bottle and putting a few drops onto the little holes on the side of the coil where you can see the cotton showing through.

Now you can push the coil into the tank so make sure the coil is firmly pushed all the way in.

Now screw on the bottom of the tank nice and firnly.

When it's time to refill first make sure you close the air holes by turning the ring on the bottom of the tank. Then unscrew the drip tip and put the juice into one of the little kidney shaped holes on the side but you must not put juice down the centre.

Once it's filled screw the drip tip back on.

Now a little tip that sometimes helps on other tanks is before you open the air holes again use a tissue to catch any excess juice in the coil and turn the tank upside down and then open the air hole. That gives the air pressure and vacuum in the tank a chance return to normal which sometimes helps prevent leaks.

If the coil is new let it stand for about 10 - 15 minutes before you try vaping it to allow the cotton to soak up enough juice and also it's a good idea to go the the lowest mild setting so you don't singe the cotton or it will taste burnt. When you're happy that the flavour is coming through nicely then you can turn the setting up to where you like it.

Another thing that is good practice with a lot of tanks is to close the air holes overnight. In the morning, use a little tissue and turn the tank on its side holding the tissue against one of the holes as you open the air holes again so you can catch any juice that may have leaked.

If you have any more questions we will always be more than happy to help out so ask anything you want.

Good luck and I hope all this has helped. :)
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Yes, don't let this setback put you off. I wish I knew exactly what was going on with your setup. I have several devices that use those coils, but I also use a rebuildable deck with mine. However, the regular coils I've tried didn't leak at all. Also, devices that use those coils are enormously popular. There has to be an answer.

BTW, the Priv N19 is just the cutest lil thing ain't it? :D
I love the look of the device it is extremely cute @Gsmit1 I have it in rainbow! thank u @MarylinC37 your advice is extremely appreciated and very detailed i decided last night to go back to a 1.4 coil primmed it and the leaking has calmed extremely its only slightly oily feeling if i rub around the bottom at the moment , and I definitely think this coil is better for me personally, still doesn't explain why my husbands is much less harsh with the same coil but hey if its fixed the problem il be happy! Just feel a bit robbed of a coil and a bottle of juice and I've kind of lost faith in the vape shop now hopefully with the help and advice of you lovely people though i will be on the right track
Hi @Sade's I'm glad that the advice given has helped, was a very informative and detailed post by @MarylinC37 indeed. As for the harshness, have you checked the power level as detailed by MarylinC37? It could be that his is set slightly differently than yours that is causing the harshness. As for the vape shop, unfortunately you get a huge variance between them as to how good they are and how willing and/or able they are to help. If I have any questions then my first port of call is always on here as I know someone will have experienced any issues before. Good luck and hopefully, happy vaping!
I'm glad we helped @Sade's. If it still feels a little oily around the air holes try turning it on it's side with a tissue and see if any oil comes out.
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