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Help! Temp control + new coil = harsh vapour

Bloody hell, that is a good while now. I suppose it is possible they were away until Monday, which would mean you should have it in Wednesdays post at the latest. Pain the arse though!. You could just be really, really unlucky and some light-fingered c*** has waltzed off with it, but 250ml ends up almost the size of a shoe-box with all the packing and large bubble wrap, it would be hard to stick in your pocket. It would hard to get it into the hood of a parka.:p
I'd give them a ring/email if postie doesn't have it first thing, Ryan.
If it's stopping you cracking on with your mixes, I can post you a 50ml bottle tomorrow till you are sorted, let me know/PM an addy and if needs be I'll get it out to you in the morning, I am not doing anything else.

How funny you! I don't think anyone nicked it and I wont contact them. Do you know why? I will take it as an experiment. I want to see how a company can forget about an order and see when they wake up from this daylight dream.
Thank you for offering yours, that is very kind of you. I made some 1.5mg ones back in November and they are ok as they are very low on nic. I think I can survive with these. Thanks for offering though!
Back to my experiment, shall I expect a dispatch email?
How funny you! I don't think anyone nicked it and I wont contact them. Do you know why? I will take it as an experiment. I want to see how a company can forget about an order and see when they wake up from this daylight dream.
Thank you for offering yours, that is very kind of you. I made some 1.5mg ones back in November and they are ok as they are very low on nic. I think I can survive with these. Thanks for offering though!
Back to my experiment, shall I expect a dispatch email?

How does it go? "I'm a postman, the pay is crap, but anything addressed to 'Cash 4 Gold' is a bonus." :54:
Well, I hope they remember you soon brother. Good to know you are covered, the offer is open so don't hesitate if you get stuck.
I used to get nic from vapable and had no problems with it. I got 2 litres from darkstar and have no problems with it either. It was a lot cheaper at darkstar :)
How does it go? "I'm a postman, the pay is crap, but anything addressed to 'Cash 4 Gold' is a bonus." :54:
Well, I hope they remember you soon brother. Good to know you are covered, the offer is open so don't hesitate if you get stuck.
I received it on the 9th, but I haven't even touched it yet. I was so busy in the past few weeks. Ok I touched it but I haven't mixed anything yet... Maybe on the weekend I will have some time. Batch nr is different 72045. This is a good sign. Colour slight purple, smells nothing. I will post once I mixed it and tried it so we can have another comparison, personally from me :excited:

I can confirm that in my experience there is a whole lot of difference in favour of the DarkStar nic. It eliminated all my problems I had.
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