If you are stuck using that wire in the short term, you could make a pair of parallel wrapped coils.
A parallel wrapped coil is just a coil made using two strands of wire instead of one. So you would cut 2 lengths of your wire, put them next to each other on your coiling jig, and wind them as if they were 1 wire.
A 3 wrap of that 28+32 wire in parallel would actually have 6 loops because there are 2 wires, and come out around 0.4 ohms per coil. 4 wraps would come out a little over 0.5 ohms per coil. That's with a 3mm inner diameter.
That could get you down to 0.2 - 0.27 ohms in a dual coil setup.
I'm not sure how fast it would ramp up/cool down, due to it being kanthal.