50/50 is a rough ballpark on ratio or say up to 60vg/40pg
depends on coil & material etc....
Kanthal 10~15w is normal range for mtl
steam engine calculator helps a bit but is only a GUIDE
I'm vaping @ 13w/4v not 16w 4.2v like it suggests
start off a tiny whisper smidge lower, maybe to break coil in
see how it tastes, knock it up a bit if flavour not as expected
if vape/tip is getting too warm/hot/spits etc... then try another build/coil/wire/wick
(or drop the wattage/volts down a bit to find a balance)
it is a bit of trial/error to fine tune the settings for YOUR setup
that YOU like the flavour/experience etc....
but something like 10~15w is a rough guide on Kanthal for "most" MTL builds @ 0.8~1.6 Ohms
different coils/materials/Ohms alter stuff as well as different people/tanks - even juices vary slightly
(some juices/people might want a bit more/less power to bring out the flavour etc...)
((even some mods might need a 1/2w more/less as some different mods do the power slightly differently
by that I mean you can be @ 13w on one mod but might need 13.5w on another (cheapo mod) to get same taste))
So NOTHING is actually set in stone, but gave ya some pointers to run with a rough guide