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Hi - another new one!

Hi, I'm Andy and I'm new to the forums (although I've been checking in as a guest for the last couple of weeks.)

I bought my first e-cigarette about three or four years ago - a Gamucci. It was very expensive and not very good (or I wasn't very good with it.) I never had much luck with it, and it has remained in the drawer, except on rare occasions.

A couple of weeks ago, a Socialites stall set up in our local shopping precinct, so I checked it out. Bought myself a starter kit and haven't looked back. Haven't quite stopped smoking completely yet (fourteen years is a big habit to break), but it's taken me 10 days to smoke the packet of baccy that in the past took me about 2 days to clear. Fingers crossed I can crossover to vaping full time!

welcome to the planet its good to see new folk picking up the vape - best of luck with chucking the fags.
if I could ask you to please sign the EFVI inititiative to stop the proposed eu ban on ecigarettes - http://www.efvi.eu/
thank you.
Oh my gosh, guys. So sorry I didn't get around to replying - the internet fell over big time when trying to post and I thought my hello hadn't posted.

Thank you all for the kind welcome!

Hi and welcome to the planet @m31andy Yup it can be difficult for some to do a straight switch but I am sure you will break the habit. What nic strength liquids are you on at the moment? If too low this may partly be the cause of you craving the anologues still.

I've started with the 8ml juices. I know it's the lowest, but the 15ml juice gave me a headrush you wouldn't believe... not had that since I started smoking!

If there's no baccy in the house, I'm good. But it's just habit I think. Need to buckle down and say "no more"!
I've started with the 8ml juices. I know it's the lowest, but the 15ml juice gave me a headrush you wouldn't believe... not had that since I started smoking!

Note that should be mg, not ml... can you edit your posts at all?
Yes Edit button at bottom of your post :)

Ta - there doesn't seem to be one... unless I'm being dense. Is this a newbie thing?

The buttons and icons I have at the moment are
on the left: Add to the User's reputation and Report Post
on the right: Reply, Reply with Quote and Multiquote this Message

I may just be nicotine-deprived, after all!
Ta - there doesn't seem to be one... unless I'm being dense. Is this a newbie thing?

The buttons and icons I have at the moment are
on the left: Add to the User's reputation and Report Post
on the right: Reply, Reply with Quote and Multiquote this Message

I may just be nicotine-deprived, after all!

On the right should be : edit , reply , reply quote , multi quote ??

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