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Hi from Finland!


New Member
Apr 4, 2014
I have been vaping for a little over two years. Started pretty much by accident. Loving all kinds of gadgets and toys I decided to try an e-cig out of curiosity. Ordered an eGo kit, and it worked well enough to keep me interested. I had no intention to quit smoking, it just happened. Having tried to quit before and not succeeding I figured I could at least try to smoke less using an e-cig. One day I noticed I hadn't smoked an analog for a week, and haven't had one since. After 25 years of smoking a pack a day the transition was relatively painless.

After getting frustrated with the eGo tank system I found dripping. Ordered a Provari and a bunch of different 510 and 306 atties. I was happy. After that came cartos, and carto tanks pretty good and easy to use, but not as nice as dripping. Found and loved bottomfeeders, dripping without the hassle. I still have a VV Reo in use today. Around this time the first cheap drippers became available. Ordered a few, and loved them. Enjoying tinkering, I liked building the coils myself, and trying to get them to work as good as possible. I'm still not good at rebuilding, but enjoy trying

The first genny I got was a Cobra. They were pretty easy to get compared to others. Oh the frustration! The Cobra was not an easy atty to get to work, it took me a couple of weeks. When it worked it was glorious, but it didn't work often or for long. Eventually got a little better and bought other gennies as well. SS rope made things much easier. Nowdays I use mainly a couple of kayfuns with microcoils and cotton, and a few gennies with rope wicks. Looking forward to learning more and enjoying the forum!

Or TERVETULOA PLANET!!! Nice to see you!!!:hugs:
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