I have been vaping since Sept 2013. Quit smoking Oct 16 so just at 3 months. I live in Texas, grew up in Canada and was born in Scotland. Moving back to Canada in the fall. Time to retire. I smoked for 50 years and was a 2+ pack a day man when I quit. I currently use a couple of MVP2s with iClear 30,30s and 30b clearos. Plan to buy a VTR next month. I think I have spent all of my savings from quitting on vaping gear!! I make my own juice as well. Just started that a month ago. Had trouble finding something that me and my wife liked. Ended up with FA Shade 9% 60/40 @ 18mg. It certainly is cheaper to make your own! Plan to cut down the nicotine over the next while. Also just ordered a Rocket RBA from FT. Want to get into Mechanicals and RBAs as well. Once I figure out the Rocket, I think I will order Ithaka and Kayfun 3.1 clones and a couple of mechanical mod clones from FT. Want to get as much gear as possible before I retire and can't afford it anymore!!!