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Hi just thought I would say hello


New Member
Apr 10, 2013
Just thought I would say hi I have been enjoying e-cigs for 3 months now after 45 years of smoking and haven't looked back. Just wish they were around when I was younger but the technology just wasn't there, bless the Chinese!
Now the proud owner of my itaste MVP and love it.

If I could only find a clero or tank that will last, tried Kanger T3 bubbles and leaks coils burn out so far c4 with neon's from china outlasted everything else, including the I clear 16s that came with my MVP. Oh ha the joys of vaping!
Greetings and felicitations good sir.

Might I recommend the Kanger Evod.

Less than £6 and a cracking little clearo if ever there was :D
Welcome to the yellow side :) thinking about getting an evod myself, currently still trying to fall in love with the T3 but few things about it making me not love it as much as i'd hoped.
Welcome to the yellow side :) thinking about getting an evod myself, currently still trying to fall in love with the T3 but few things about it making me not love it as much as i'd hoped.

Jump! Jump! Jump!

I have been in clearo hell for a little while now, but the evod has restored my faith in the convenient little buggers :D
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