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hi would this wick be ok

Looks it, but I'm pretty sure that's expensive.
I'll ave a little look, bear with me
ok mate was not sure with it being glass fibre as am a noob or if it had to be coton
Also 1mm might be abit thin depending on which rebuildable you are using. I use 2mm in my rta but 1mm would be fine in my era as you double/triple fold it :)
I use four strands of 1mm in my vivinova heads, but only cos its all I have at the mo.
Yeah, I believe so. Different people have different preferences, some prefer glass fibre, some prefer cotton.
Fibreglass wick and silica wick are both fine :) I've heard that Cotten is great too as it in more natural and doesn't seem to moult glass fibres but I haven't tried it. I'm not inhaling thousands of potentially fatal chemicals so I'm not too worried about the wick :D
ok thanks guys it will be used in a vivi nova would i have been better with 2mm i could try and contact the vendor and change it
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