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how far does vape go down your lungs

This has been a really funny thread, which I did crack up on quite a lot.
However to answer the original question, the vapour will go into all areas of the lung, the same as when you just breath, the air goes into all areas of your lung.
Think about it logically, the lung are really just big old complicated balloons, and if you blow into a balloon the air goes into all areas of the balloon.
Just my opinion of course, and YMMV:)
This has been a really funny thread, which I did crack up on quite a lot.
However to answer the original question, the vapour will go into all areas of the lung, the same as when you just breath, the air goes into all areas of your lung.
Think about it logically, the lung are really just big old complicated balloons, and if you blow into a balloon the air goes into all areas of the balloon.
Just my opinion of course, and YMMV:)
Had to go spoil it with a sensible perfect answer.
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