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I made it

I got the vtr it's a great solid bit o kit but a bit chunky for ma work I'm in construction as well. I got a cheap mech mod for work what with the dust n rain with a mech mod it's easy to clean n hard to damage it. I use m16 with a small dripper. Sorry for possibly makin you more confused than u were when u came here
I was thinking more on the practical side.

Tube mods like the vamo + slanted roof = lemming mod.
That, and the recessed tank gives your pyrex tanks a little protection.

The only reason I went with the MVP 2.0 (another iTaste box mod) was for practical reasons. I'm not huge on aesthetics.
I was tired of my eGo batteries falling over all the time, so I wanted something a little more stable I could keep on my desk without falling over and rolling onto the floor.

In the end, it's going to be your mod.
You're the one that's going to be using this, so I don't want to push you in a direction you don't want to go.

If it keeps you off the cigs, it's a good mod!
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:welcome1: to POTV

My OH works in a dirty environment and sometimes has to go on roofs too, not good when your mod decides to roll down and drop 30 feet ;)

ATM he is using a vamo with an Aspire Nautilus, fitted with a metal tank, it is all very scratched but has survived a lot!
o hai Flux, welcome to the planet :)

there's a meet in central London on 17th (a week from today) if you want to encounter more knowledgable vapers than it would be sensible to shake a stick at. I was where you are now, last July, when I joined some forums and attended my first meet. I haven't been the same since.

Details here
:2thumbsup: Hello Flux!!! Two Great Decisions, Packing the Stinkies in for Vaping and joining the Friendliest and most Knowledgeable Forum on the Planet!!! Enjoy yourself Mate!!!
I'm a recent vaper as well but a bit spoiled by having a friend who went into it before me. *waves to Victor1st*
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