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I Motion2 V+ First Impressions, Daily Updates

Well done Meg. Loved that vid and I love your voice too!
Ok heres my video, its 12 mins long, I didnt add any special shit to it and I talked far too much for my own good.

Please go easy on me, I don't normally do videos!

PS I have man hands

Nice one Meg! I love an American accent .. gets me all hot and makes me want to go and watch buffy :D

and as for the item .. here we have another perspective of it .. I think it would have moved my mind away from the zmax if it want for the size ... I do want something I can go out clubbing with ... excuse the pun
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if you want to take something out clubbing, in my opinion big expensive mods are a NO NO! Why? Get drunk, get rowdy, shit starts falling out of pockets, gets left on tables, under coats, ends up in the toilet if youve had a rough go of the lager... When I go out drinking with the mum in law, I learned my lesson, Ego battery and a vision, cheap enough to lose and not cry about in the morning!

This is deffo an in home or at work kind of mod, deffo not something to go out clubbing with :P Unless you really are in need of a GBH charge :P

Thanks, I don't really like talking, I get nervous and my stutter gets worse, then I get self concious and a get a lil lisp going on, then I just have to walk away lol. For the most part I just mix up words like the wicking your coil thing :P I should have done the video drunk, when Im drunk I don't have any speech issues LOL
You don't have man hands and you do have a sexy voice :) nice vid and good review. Well done you!
Hey Thanks PF <3 Just finished putting dinner together in the slow cooker, mod stayed upright the entire time while I was whipping things about and bumping the counter numerous times and not very gently :D I am going to be sad to give this back!

I just wanted to touch on Scotts review here

I did post a reply...
I do want to note though, that in the 5v range the vapour gets really warm up to about 5.6v but at 6v it is very similar to what I was getting at 3.7v

I found the best spot to vape for me was about 4.3v, warm enough to not be shocking.
Hey Thanks PF <3 Just finished putting dinner together in the slow cooker, mod stayed upright the entire time while I was whipping things about and bumping the counter numerous times and not very gently :D I am going to be sad to give this back!

I just wanted to touch on Scotts review here

I did post a reply...

I found the best spot to vape for me was about 4.3v, warm enough to not be shocking.

presumably that depends on what OHM your atty is wired at ?

i can get a nice warm vape with a Boge SR which is aout 2.8 to 3.0 ohms, if I am up in the 5v range on this.
You said 'Gotten'. Thank you. I like this device too. I just hope I have a good one - from Scott's review it may seem that build quality could be variable and Cig Star's lack of response re warranty may indicate a fairly typical Chinese manufacturer with poor customer focus and QA.
I thought it was... Runyan (sp?) that put out the IMotion?
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