Hello and welcome Motorheaded sounds like you're doing well for two weeks in, you should have a full set up all sorted by the end of November at the rate you're going!!! Have fun!
Thanks Blossom. I'm trying. Waiting on a bundle of goodies from Fasttech. Including a pipe mod, a magneto, nemesis, dripping atty, pyrex DCT and Kayfun 3.1 (all clones of course). But I WANNA PLAY WITH THEM!! Been a week now, and I can't even track them yet. I would've bought a genuine Kayfun 3.1/Lite/Russian if they weren't so hard to get/mega expensive. I have little issues with all my tanks. Vivi draw too tight, PTs too cool, IC30 drip tip.... Impressed with the Mini PT, but it looks daft on a Vamo. lol
Thanks Ninjaassasin1983. I am a bit of an ageing rocker. Been more into Clutch recently than thrash/speed/death metal. Also been enjoying time travel with Jethro Tull, Atomic Rooster. Grand Funk Railroad. Still give Lemmy a blast regularly, though.
Proud moment as as dad 20 years ago, when my 2 y.o. daughter got in the car and shouted, "Daddy! Ace of Spades! Ace of Spades!"
Both my kids have taste.
Oh hell Motorheaded, I thought you were an 'old hand' at this vaping lark, if you've bought that much kit in such a short space of time, there really is no hope for me, is there?!!