I get all that, and I’m well versed in all of the studies regarding vaping as I’ve researched it myself time and time again.
However vaping has never, ever been subject to the compound laboratory testing that this vaccine has- simply because it wasn’t in anyone’s interest to do so. And even when it has been subjected to some form of official testing you’re left with two clear sides to the argument. We of course will sway will the pro arguments as we vape, but there are plenty of negative too.
And you’re right about us not having ‘quit’ anything. We haven’t have we? It’s like saying ‘I stopped driving because I sold my BMW, but I drive a Prius now and that’s not the same’. Yeah it is.
I’d used vaping as an example of most of us doing something almost as a last resort because previous attempts had failed, again me included. This isn’t about doing something because any previous attempt had occurred and we hadn’t been able to do it - this is a get it right first time or lots of people will die- either from the Virus , or more to the point from all of the other health issues that aren’t being addressed because were diverting so many resources to look after this one singular issue.
yet we base OUR personal decisions on OUR gut feelings
hopefully after conducting "some" of OUR own research perhaps
to formulate OUR own opinion(s)
we knew we had to quit as 78,000 die from smoking related disease/illness (so they say)
we knew we would need nicotine replacement (most likely - well I've covered all that)
The NHS was previously offering gum/patches & then looked to include vaping
a rational approach would be well perhaps this offers a more successful route
hence why they would offer a choice with vaping being the accepted possible third option
It wasn't just the study, as I said, though to add to the list of nicotine replacements
did seem to tempt me to try this method which was successful in packing up the fags for good
But this vaccine won't be a get it right first time - the first initial options rarely are fully successful
it will be an ongoing work or rather research in progress
suffice to say people will & do have concerns/questions & many will not be able to answered easily & quickly
I do not have the answers - nobody has, medical research is always ongoing
but this vaccine has been fast tracked a little perhaps so naturally people may be a little concerned
or have possible reservations about it in the early initial rollout stages
shutting down debate, labelling some as conspiracy theorists, heck even disease spreaders does not help
(yes some are fucking nutters, but rational questioning & people's concerns to them seem valid)
Some personally do not wish to receive the vaccine or at least not for a while
but there are some who seem to vilify others, some scream blue murder
whilst others seek to almost demand others to get vaccinated, but they personally have a condition which may prevent them receiving the vaccine
Along with others tempted to inform on neighbours they strongly suspect of breaching guidelines
overall some of this hysteria has revealed a somewhat ugly side of society imho