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Is it bad of me?

On tapatalk the description still sounds like we are a temporary stop gap. I think we now need to sound like a stand alone forum.
Updated, thanks Purplefowler had forgotten about that!

What do people reckon then? A name change? Facebook/Twitter campaign? Stay as we are?
Just to add, once we get a few options I'll start a poll and we can see what people think...
A name change sounds a good idea, the most important thing imo is keeping a friendly/relaxed atmosphere in here. (only been here a bit but it seems that way).

If a forums friendly enough, word will get around and attract more people. It'll take time but it'll happen.
How about "thebestvapingforumintheworldeverandwereheretostay.com". I guess it's abit of a mouthful tho :D
I do think Buccy made valid points on the previous page but I've no idea what size of membership is desirable or sustainable.
One or two other (non vaping) sites that I've followed in the past have disappeared because of too small a membership. Other's have desended into very unpleasant places to be because of personal attacks on poster's
So what's the answer? I have no idea. I'm not a regular poster. I don't buy tons of equipment or build and mod my own so most of the time don't have anything interesting to say. But I intend to stick around here for the foreseeable future and see where things lead.
Good luck and best wishes to all especially those doing everything to keep supportukvapers.com going.
Re SEO, does the forum have, or is there an add-on for SEO? With IPB forums, there's a free IPS add-on where you can manually add/change title and meta tags. Having only ever run IPB forums, I'm not au fait with what other forum software offers, so forgive me if this was an inane question!

I think I saw someone else mention it (not sure), but as sUKV was originally only meant to be temporary, I'm wondering if a change of name, and domain (for the URL), might be an idea, whilst redirecting the sUKV one? Not that I'd have the first clue what to call it, LOL, but maybe something that contains keywords people might Google for?

Talking of here having initially only meant to be temporary - would you and the mods feel able to cope should it grow? I imagine (just guessing) that when Jackie first started UKV, she might not have dreamed it would grow as it did. I also remember when I first went to ECF in 2008, there were barely 2000 members... (what a nice relatively cosy place it was in those days, with Kate welcoming and helping every newbie) and now it's a zoo with nearly 100,000 members!
helenahandbasket said:
I'm not a regular poster. I don't buy tons of equipment or build and mod my own so most of the time don't have anything interesting to say. But I intend to stick around here for the foreseeable future and see where things lead.
Ditto! Despite vaping since end 2008, I still use "only" eGo batts and "everyday" atties like the visions. Big batts, mods and high falutin' atties aren't my thing.
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