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Is Lord Sugar going to enter the e-cig market ?

Matt Gluggles

Jan 29, 2013
Lord Sugar has been on Twitter asking about electronic cigarettes for a few weeks now.

He is clearly interested.

Today, his son, Simon Sugar posted this on Twitter :


Just wondering if he is getting interested ? Looking like he is.
Some company he helps run all ready advertises ecigs
I did wonder with all the questions he was asking.

I actually tweeted him and asked him why he wanted the information............no reply.
Hmmm..all the vultures circling for a possible feeding frenzy? Big tobacco, Big pharma, Big Government and even Mr Big Mouth himself.

Whatever happens in the future of vaping, I think it's important to remember the pioneer vendors that have supported and supplied us up to now. Would be a travesty if they got swept away by these Big feckers who are only in it for the profit... a lot of the pioneer vendors got into vending through a passion for vaping, not profit.

We'd all do well to bear that in mind.
I will be honest, even if it does go "mainstream" and big companies move in, most people on these forums will still stick with our favoured vendors. I certainly will
I will be honest, even if it does go "mainstream" and big companies move in, most people on these forums will still stick with our favoured vendors. I certainly will
If they survive the competition by the undercutting big boys. Big tobacco may start with the lookalikeys but I'm pretty sure they will move in to ego styles and even beyond if they get a sniff of profit
They will only survive if we keep using them. It is us that choose where we buy from. That is why our local butchers is still in business even though tesco is just down the road. We know where the products come from, we know the service we get from the trusted vendors, so we use them. The buyer always has the choice and the power to make and break small businesses.
They will only survive if we keep using them. It is us that choose where we buy from. That is why our local butchers is still in business even though tesco is just down the road. We know where the products come from, we know the service we get from the trusted vendors, so we use them. The buyer always has the choice and the power to make and break small businesses.
Totally agree and it's why I hate ruddy Tescos (even though my one of my sons is a store manager) for what they and other supermarkets have done to the high street. I still buy stuff from one of the handful of vendors that existed when I started Vaping 3 yrs ago. Not the cheapest but he was at the vanguard, took risks, offers great service and I consider him a friend. But that's just me :)
Exactly. Big companies will be great for our fight against any silly regulations or limitations governments want to impose. Doesn't mean we gotta shop with them. To aid my point, look at the current supposed largest vaping retailer TW who are going to be ploughing money into fighting the "ban". Granted he may be heading down a totally silly route, but he will fight the fight. Now do we all have to buy from them? Nah, I will stick to my favourite rotation of great vendors.

The main problem we have is there are too many good vendors that I want to give my money to, but they have to wait their turn lol
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