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Is there a vaper that has a timer countdown ?


Sep 17, 2016
I have tried a vape cigarette and a vape pen in the past, hoping to give up cigarettes.

But one thing I really struggle with is the fact with a cigarette its finished after about 5min, unlike a vapour where you can use it continuously until the battery runs out (chain vaping).

Is there a vapour that has a timer on it, so that after 5 minutes of vaping it turns itself off ? Even better if it has an adjustable timer.

I think the box type vapours might be better than the pen I last tried ? Its probably psychological, but seeing more smoke gives a more realistic sense of smoking a real cigarette.

I smoke Malborough Golds (about 15 cigarettes a day) and want to give up, for my daughters sake (who is 10) as well as mine. So would like to try vaping again but want something that will work this time.
A lot of batteries have puff counters on them; next time you have a fag count how many drags you take then just keep an eye on the puff counter. I had exactly the same thoughts when I started but the reality is you can puff away all day on a vape and not consume any of the nasties in cigs
The reality is that our bodies metabolise nicotene(in vape form) completely differently to when smoking. Vaping takes longer to sate your need, you may think your overdoing it but the body is pretty good at self regulating, your just continually topping up the nic instead of a big instant hit (smoking a tab)
Use a small capacity tank and/or only ever fill it half way, run out of juice and you won't get a vape but you might get a dry hit. Vaping doesn't have that "convenience" of smoking.
Use a timer on your watch or phone if you don't trust yourself to stop vaping?
Also, as above, if you're vaping for nicotine, it doesn't work in the same way as cigarettes.
As already said vaping is quite unlike smoking, and you are unlikely to succeed if you try to fit it to the same routine.
Vape as much as you need to get off the fags, even vaping a lot is better for you than smoking.
Then when you have broken the habit you can find ways to limit your vaping or reducing your nicotine if you want.

i limit my vaping by not vaping at certain times and places. if leaving the house for anything up to three or four hours I do not take my vape, i do not vape while working, at other times I vape as much as I want.

You have to break your smoking habit before worrying about vaping too much.

Good luck.
I guess if you have a dripper and limit yourself to a certain number of drops per session. But of course, vape as much as needed, as above.
You haven't said why you want to restrict the time you spend vaping. This will obviously affect the advice given as different situations demand different setups.
As others have said, trying to treat vaping in the same way as smoking just won't work, however if you feel you're vaping too often then try using a higher nicotine level juice - if you smoked 20 a day try using an 18mg strength liquid. You'll also find that the type of tank and device you use can have an effect. The Cig-a-like types are notoriously poor at providing a good vape and a lot of the cheap Ego pen types are not much better. I'd advise going to a decent brick and mortart vape shop to have a look at gear - even if you eventually decide to buy online actually handling a device in a shop will help you get a feel for things...
Thanks for everyones replies :) How do I 'like' replies by the way , there doesn't appear to be a like button ?

The reason for wanting to restrict the time spent vaping is because when I tried a vape pen, I found it hard to put it down and vaped for longer than I would smoke. I didnt know when to stop and there was nothing to indicate or force me to stop, unlike a cigarette which burns out after 5 mins or so.

I did try using the timer on my phone but found that inconvenient, which is why I was wondering if there are any devices with timers on them.

I know others who vape and they seem to be consistently vaping all day long. I guess chain vaping is better than smoking 15 cigarettes a day, but I dont want to end up chain vaping either. Ideally I want to gradually reduce the nicotine level and stop vaping atogether, I want to use vaping as a method to quit smoking and a healthier life style.

One reason I smoke is to get a away from the mundane.... like to get away from the desk at work, or whilst driving (I commute long distances to work), or to get out of the house. Boredom and stress is when I depend on smoking the most. It takes discipline to try to limit the number of cigarettes I smoke and I have a routine I try to following in the week.

Can anyone recommend one of those box type vape devices that will suit my needs ?
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I know what you mean about timing your vape session. Three of us at work regularly get out of the building for nicotine breaks, two of us vape and one smokes. When the smoker is unavailable we panic after a while because we have no idea how long we've been! Not a big deal but it is funny to us how we rely on the smoker to time our breaks!

In the same way that you discipline yourself with cigarettes, you'll learn to discipline yourself with vaping. Beauty of vaping against smoking is that vaping only happens when you want it to, cigarettes burn away by themselves!

As you say, chain vaping is still better than smoking but after a while you'll find your happy compromise and you won't chain vape.

Getting your juice flavours and nicotine levels just right will be your biggest challenge and it is a challenge for everyone. Trial and error I'm afraid.

So many mods you could choose from it's difficult to make recommendations, one with a puff (and time) counter might be helpful in your case. Always a good idea to get a feel of a mod in a shop before you decide what is best for you. Do you have a local vape shop?
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