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Is there a vaper that has a timer countdown ?

You say in your original post that you think you want more vapour (you said smoke, it is not smoke) but you will find that the more vapour you are inhaling then the lower the nicotine you can handle before it is too harsh on the back of your throat, the lower the nicotine, the more you will vape to get the nicotine. This works counter to your idea of vaping less.

My advice would be to stick with a simple device with a high level of nicotine, when you get the desire for a cigarette chain vape till the desire for a fag goes away. Even a simple device with high enough nicotine can deliver enough in a fairly short time that you will not want more for a while otherwise your head will spin or you will get a headache or even feel sick if you seriously over do it.

Once you have broken your cigarette habit and established some sort of vaping routine then start reducing the strength of the nicotine in you juice, gradually while keeping the amount of juice you allow yourself every day the same.

If I ever decide to give up vaping, that is what I plan to do. I still keep my pen type devices that I gave up fags with over two years ago, they would come back into action If I chose that route.

Just my opinion, you have to find your own way
@freeflyer76 as has been said, the most important and generally most difficult step is to stop smoking. I would say, vape as much as you find necessary to stop smoking.

Once you have made a comfortable transition to vaping, then you can start thinking about cutting down vaping time, juice volume and/or nicotine intake if that is something you want to do. Trying to both stop smoking and cut down on vaping simultaneously is, in my opinion, making life unnecessarily difficult for yourself. Also, absorbtion of nicotine from vaping is much, much slower that smoking. There were a couple of studies a couple of years ago from the Farsalinos lab showing that when using a pen-type ecig at 20 mg/mL strength (IIRC), you need to vape for about 20 minutes to get one cigarette's worth of nicotine into your bloodstream. So it is not unusual to find yourself spending more time vaping than you did smoking. I certainly do.

I do find that dripping atomisers (RDAs) stop me from chain vaping. This style of atomiser doesn't have a tank reservoir for juice, you have to manually drip juice onto the wicks every 10 minutes or so. I find this simulates a smoking type end point quite well. RDAs are not really beginners kit though, so maybe not something that will work for you just yet.
Thanks for everyones replies :) How do I 'like' replies by the way , there doesn't appear to be a like button ?

The reason for wanting to restrict the time spent vaping is because when I tried a vape pen, I found it hard to put it down and vaped for longer than I would smoke. I didnt know when to stop and there was nothing to indicate or force me to stop, unlike a cigarette which burns out after 5 mins or so.

I did try using the timer on my phone but found that inconvenient, which is why I was wondering if there are any devices with timers on them.

I know others who vape and they seem to be consistently vaping all day long. I guess chain vaping is better than smoking 15 cigarettes a day, but I dont want to end up chain vaping either. Ideally I want to gradually reduce the nicotine level and stop vaping atogether, I want to use vaping as a method to quit smoking and a healthier life style.

One reason I smoke is to get a away from the mundane.... like to get away from the desk at work, or whilst driving (I commute long distances to work), or to get out of the house. Boredom and stress is when I depend on smoking the most. It takes discipline to try to limit the number of cigarettes I smoke and I have a routine I try to following in the week.

Can anyone recommend one of those box type vape devices that will suit my needs ?
I wouldn't worry too much about chain vaping - pretty much everyone does it for the first few weeks, you soon settle into a routine and find that you just take a vape when you need one, as for box mods - what sort of price range were you looking for - or do you want to pick a good simple unit as cheap as possible, and have you considered what tank you want to use...
I treat vaping exactly like smoking. If I really feel like one, or just as a means of relaxing on a work break, I'll go outside with a coffee and vape for 5/10 mins, just like a cigarette. WIth the help of a T18 I gave up smoking easily, it feels like smoking, only much nicer and healthier.

You could simply time yourself with a watch, wouldn't be hard, or as others have suggested some mods have puff counters, so you could just limit yourself to 15 drags etc.
@freeflyer76 to get right back to your OP, IIRC, the xcube II had a 'feature' in the app that allowed you to limit the amount of puffs, but that may have been per day, and that was a BULKY mod. I'm sure the newer slimmer versions still have that. Not sure if there are any others that can be time/puff limited. :)
I treat vaping exactly like smoking. If I really feel like one, or just as a means of relaxing on a work break, I'll go outside with a coffee and vape for 5/10 mins, just like a cigarette. WIth the help of a T18 I gave up smoking easily, it feels like smoking, only much nicer and healthier.

You could simply time yourself with a watch, wouldn't be hard, or as others have suggested some mods have puff counters, so you could just limit yourself to 15 drags etc.

This was/is pretty much my approach but the first week I took off work to make sure I could vape as and when I wanted, you need to be able to vape as much as you need to at first, whatever it takes to get you off the fags, you can worry about limiting or timing yourself after, the second week when I went into work I was actually quite worried about only having a 15min break in the morning to vape but it was fine.
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