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Is vaping allowed in prison?

short your going to be fine .. gym it up come out fitter .. trust no fecker and try not to confront people
all plastic bottles and vapes :P
Thanks it's been hanging over me for a while so in some ways have accepted what's going to happen and just want to get it over with.

Just a shame taht it will be so close to Christmas, I am 29 and have two young kids 6 and 3 and hard to have to explain it to my 6 year od who I told and is taking it badly. The 3 year old is too young. I am ucky that my missus is sticking by me even though I messed up and has said she will visit me and all that. Feel bad for what I am putting them through and my family, I've been in trouble before when I was younger but didn't have responsibilities then.

Nobody else in my family or any good friends have been in regular prison so not sure what it will be like but am ex Army so reckon I will be alright.

At least I know now I can vape - would prefer to be able to smoke but at least can vape - only started recently.
Take plenty of eliquid, preferably high VG. Works well as lube and ya get the nic hit through the tears in yer ring piece.
Expensive currency I believe. The gear you use outside is a no no.
They use single use ones like the dinner lady pod sticks.
New to vaping and a random question but now that they have banned smoking in prisons is vaping allowed?

Just posting on the off chance that someone who works in one/been there knows. If it is what are the rules and do you have to buy kit and supplies in the prison?
What are you getting banged up for? :D
Aw mate. Sorry to hear you have to go through that. Know a boy who was in 1uite recently and he could vape so you should be alright
Hope you can swerve getting jail time but even if you don't you'll be absolutely fine mate. It's nothing to fret about.

How long could you get?

I'll never forget the first time I got released. Was on Christmas eve '99. Talk about perfect timing. My birthday is on the 30th so I made it for Christmas, my birthday and New Years. Just as well as I was in jail for the next 5 in a row. :rolleyes:
I'll never forget the first time I got released. Was on Christmas eve '99. Talk about perfect timing. My birthday is on the 30th so I made it for Christmas, my birthday and New Years. Just as well as I was in jail for the next 5 in a row. :rolleyes:

what jail was you in ? Highdown ?
what jail was you in ? Highdown ?
I've been all over. Was in Highdown for around 6 months on a recall (only jail I've been to with 3 man cells:28:). Been to Reading (x2), Onley and Portland YOI's. Highdown, Pentonville, Camp Hill (x2) and Swansea HMP's.

I'm a good boy now tho. Have been for a while. :)
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