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Is vaping allowed in prison?

Thanks yeah I pleaded guilty once it went to Crown Court, I didn't plead guilty straight away but it wasnt an option for it to stay in Magistrates. Yeah that's what;s happening at the moment - background reports. Have an appointment on Wednesday for that.

I am vreally remorseful for what happened. I was on a night out and was well pissed and had taken something else so was well wound up. I actually haven;t touched anything illegal since - and have cut down on the drink. I know the victim statement will make me seem bad but am prepared for that. Am still working this week nut then have next week just at home and then back to court.

So I assume your going to meet the probation service for a pre sentence report.

Make sure you tell the probation officer how sorry you are that it was a moment of madness etc.

Also that you have kids, and they need you around as they are young

Above all explain all the circumstances how it happened how you've taken steps already to change
Thanks for the advice again. I already have a trade (plumbing) but probably no harm in doing something else when I am there. Where you were was there anything like a business course as I think that could be something useful after I get out if I go out on my own. I am probably OK with the basic English and Maths. I suppose for someone like me the Offending Behaviour course would be about anger management, drinking and that?

No there is no business courses or degrees or any qualification with substance. You'll find those type of education programs in lifer jails, or jails that house prisoners serving double digit sentences. Places like hmp lowdham Grange.

The offender management courses that you'll be told to do will be as you say around anger management, violence etc. I strongly recommend you take all of those up as they will help with being considered for home curfew if youare given that option.

Really just take part in anything you can it gives you extra time out of your cell.
First thing first we are not wardens, we hate that, officers.
Currently at a local, so will go through what to expect,

Sorry to hear that you are going through this, everyone can make a mistake but you live and learn.
yes you can Vape, but you can only vape the pens that we give you. It isn’t the fanciest of things, but it will do the job.

If you are sentenced you will not be allowed to wear your own clothes to start with, but I would suggest bringing a fair amount to put in your property box for a later date. Bring as many socks and boxers as possible, and two pairs of comfy trainers.
At local you will be hard pressed to find a job on the wings, but ask the cleaning officer if anything is going.
You will most likely be sharing a cell with someone else, not everyone is prepared for that.

It will all seem a little manic, but a lot of things happen in the background and it does not always filter to yourselves.
You will most likely ask us a question, and honestly we will try and help you with whatever you need, but 140 (usually) of you guys, 5 of us typically, things do get missed. It’s not intentional.

Regarding employment, given the plumber background I would suggest getting bricklaying, electrics etc under your belt, and the best shot you will most likely have when getting out is setting up your own company. Employment after is horrendous to get. These courses you’ll be more likely to get once you leave local.
Get your head down and work towards your Cat C and enhanced status.

I wish you the best of luck.
I know this is an old thread but just because people were sound with me when I was posting on here last year just thought I would update. I got 1 year 9 months and got out last week. Great to be out. I got tagged so am on that and curfew now for a while but lots better than still being locked up. Just feels strange to be back home but am on a high really.
I know this is an old thread but just because people were sound with me when I was posting on here last year just thought I would update. I got 1 year 9 months and got out last week. Great to be out. I got tagged so am on that and curfew now for a while but lots better than still being locked up. Just feels strange to be back home but am on a high really.
Did you get to vape when inside though? Haha. Seriously though, fair play. Enjoy it. Keep your nose clean and don't go back mate
I know this is an old thread but just because people were sound with me when I was posting on here last year just thought I would update. I got 1 year 9 months and got out last week. Great to be out. I got tagged so am on that and curfew now for a while but lots better than still being locked up. Just feels strange to be back home but am on a high really.

Welcome back
Well that's the plan ..

Yeah vaped away no problem. Although one of the first things I did when my brother picked me up was smoke a few proper cigarettes!
Wasn't on here when this was posted. Glad you got through it, mate. I once did 6 weeks in Forest Bank, Salford. Wasn't long, but it was enough.

Yeah.... Keep yer nose clean, cocker.
I know this is an old thread but just because people were sound with me when I was posting on here last year just thought I would update. I got 1 year 9 months and got out last week. Great to be out. I got tagged so am on that and curfew now for a while but lots better than still being locked up. Just feels strange to be back home but am on a high really.

welcome back!
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