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KangerTech Evod Coils & Also Ideas For A New Tank?


Feb 25, 2014
Hi Guys & Girls,

I am new to vaping and I have a few more questions,

First of all, I have 2 Kangertech Evod clearomizers they both suffered from the common leakage. I managed to fix one doing the extra silicone cap turned upside down on the post trick.

The second one I removed the wick on (as I was recommended to do so) and flooded it, since then long story short I accidentally pulled the coil out and destroyed it. So, what would the difference be between buying a single genuine Kangertech Evod coil head and these from Fasttech:


I know dry burning these will make them last longer (3-4weeksish, I have searched Youtube on how to do this)

Secondly, I don't really like the Evods I find the taste of my vapour is quite weak in these tanks as it mellows them out, what tank would you guys personally recommend for a good flavour and smoke?

Thank you :-D
Get yourself an iclear 30 from myepack, 6.99 and next day delivery....
Kanger evod heads are pants. I get premade coils from eBay called Coiler. I know they're more expensive than winding you own but £6.99 for 20 ain't too bad. I'm not very good with my hands but even I can fit these.
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