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kayfun 3.1 clone short?


Jan 8, 2013
This is my second kayfun from FT after frying the insulator on the first! All was well for the first couple of builds but then I started getting the dreaded horrible burnt taste even with a fresh coil and wick. When I put the base on my ohm meter the display flashes between .75/.50/.34 (all approx) indicating a short somewhere. I have stripped the base completely cleaned the parts to within an inch of their life but I'm still getting a flashing display. Is this a fault with the clones or is there a simple solution to my problem? I love the kayfun but this issue is really starting to get on my nerves. Cheers all pete
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Does it read a short with no coil installed?
If not check the tail around the posetive screw isn't a little long and touching the chimney base
My bet it that the problem is caused by poor assembly and/or fitting of the coil.
Things to check -
1. check that the 510 connecting pin isn't loose. It's not adjustable, the flat head slotted 'screw' only unscrews for disassembly and assembly, not to adjust in or out to make a battery connection. Loosening this will loosen the head/post block, and the insulator, allowing room for movement, which can result in shorts. (there is a tiny bit of leeway there, and, at a push, you can get away with extending the pin a fraction, but it's only a gnats whiskers worth)
2. a said above, if the fitted coil is not trimmed pretty close to the posts, the ends can easily touch on the evaporation chamber/chimney, which will result in shorts.
3. make sure that the post screws are, indeed, tight, so that the coil is fixed and stable. A loosely fitted coil, again, allowing movement, can result in shorts.
4. Coil fitted too close to the base/airhole and touching the deck - results in shorts.

Other than the unlucky event that you have been nobbled by two, consecutive, duff Kayfuns, I can't think of anything else.
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the problem lies with the fact its shorting with NO coil attached. no loose wires everything tightened as it should be so i'm just scratching my bonce as to why there is a problem. the first kayfun base frazzled due to user error and a hastily built coil which i assume was touching the airflow hole and just melted the insulator. this one though is a total mystery.
This might be a long shot but check the positive terminal block hasn't moved, mine was shorting because it had moved by a tiny amount and was just touching the negative, It would fire on my Vamo but the resistance kept jumping about,and in the end it fried the insulator. Took it apart and filed it to widen the gap, seems ok now. I've noticed that different clones have bigger or smaller gaps.

If you are 100% sure the posetive block isn't touching the negative block and the insulator is present and not damaged underneath it, my bet would be the long screw part in the bottom chamber (that screws into the posetive block and has female threads at the bottom for the external 510 screw to screw into) being slightly bent which is allowing the 510 screw to touch the negative.

Next test I'd do personally is to remove the 510 screw and use a multimeter to test conductivity between +ve and -ve

See attached pic, it wouldn't take much deviation from vertical to introduce a short. Ive even had a tiny bur on the edge of the 510 screw cause a short
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Thanks all for your suggestions. I shall investigate and report back what I find
After a full investigation (bar using a multimeter cos I ain't got one!) I can find bugger all wrong with the kayfun base. :banghead:. The Atty is fine for a while after a new wick has been put in but then slowly the juice begins to taste weird and then I get the awful burnt taste. Its a shame cos the kayfun is great but I can't see me buying another and I'm certainly not in the position to buy an original. Any suggestions on another user friendly atomiser from our Chinese cousins. I already have the fogger which is good and the origen RDA which to be fair is what I now use 90% of the time. Cheers all for your help pete
What resistance are you running coil wise, and what wattage are you using. Also what wick and juice are you using?
After a full investigation (bar using a multimeter cos I ain't got one!) I can find bugger all wrong with the kayfun base. :banghead:. The Atty is fine for a while after a new wick has been put in but then slowly the juice begins to taste weird and then I get the awful burnt taste. Its a shame cos the kayfun is great but I can't see me buying another and I'm certainly not in the position to buy an original. Any suggestions on another user friendly atomiser from our Chinese cousins. I already have the fogger which is good and the origen RDA which to be fair is what I now use 90% of the time. Cheers all for your help pete

What you're describing there sounds more like a wicking problem, Have you got the airscrew wide open soyou can take big hits and blow clouds?...
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