OH FFS you guys, seriously??
Are you seriously doing this?
Just because we put up a subforum up doesnt mean you HAVE TO POST IN IT.
I think the clone bashing and Ill be honest here, is in regards to the ones who talk about their clone then the rare occasion happens and someone comes along and tries to make that person feel inferior for HAVING the fucking clone in the first place. Those kinds of posts scream "childish" in my eyes.
The POINT of having a sub forum for original talk only is so that the people who like the Originals have a "clone free" place where they can talk about all the lovely beautiful original mods that come out, without the BS comments about clone this clone that, fasttech has this has that. Id like to point out that some people think "we need to address the clone issue" and we did, by giving people who WANT to talk about originals a place to do it and not have the thread watered down with clone talk.
If you dont want to post there, then dont.
If you want to buy a clone, then do it.
If you don't like something we did, hit the log off button and leave.
ElsaBubs your outbursts have relatively been mild and are by no means a bannable offense but youre flying off the deep end for no apparent reason other than you think we are trying to stop you from having an opinion and I think you say a fair share of pretty rancid shit from time to time without ANY interference by our Mod team. So work out whatever bug crawled up your ass and chill out.
Christ you'd think we just banned clones on the forum instead of giving Original Mods a well deserved place on the forum.