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Ladies & Gentlemen.......

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Low blow fella, the money used for that raffle is going to a very worthy cause and the items have been very kindly offered up, Sam would be an idiot to turn them down because they're clones.

I think the point here, made in a way you didn't appreciate granted, was that segregation is not what POTV is about... Make a place for people to talk about originals, make a place for people to talk about clones, but stopping interaction between people who have different opinions is just not POTV!

Personally couldn't give a fuck who says what to whom, clones, original, do what you want buy what you want it ain't my money. But this place has always encouraged discussion and debate and is richer for it...

Really? So some of the comments were 'just' from Elsabubs were they?

The only thing asked, was for people not to bash those that use clones, simple, the same as it was asked that noone talked about clones in that part of the forum.

If you have such strong morals and principals they cannot be compromised when the need arises!
@andy1971 What I'm trying to say is my personal opinion.....It's not my place to tell mods or admin how to run the forum, but by "Segregating" different Types of "vaper" then it certainly to me at least of censorship/elitism....originals and clones can be talked about everywhere else on the forum, but you can't talk about clones in the big boys section.....sound more like ukv than the planet...
personally I think it's a bad move....but then again, who am I to give an opinion....
Emotive terms like that don't help really. The 'big boys' arent limited to the vApepit and so aren't 'segregated'. There will simply be no clone talk in there. Its like a section on mixology. We wouldn't like someone posting about quad coil building there right? This is no different. I am the most avid supporter of free discussion. This does not in my opinion deserve the vitriol it is getting. Don't like it/don't use it.
Bugger me. Its getting a bit heated in here! Can i suggest we go eat a banana and swing from a door frame for 5 minutes!
I see where you're coming from with the new forum but I like banter and if us clone whores can't wind people up like Sam, in a tongue and cheek fashion of course, because I know I'm a sellout who hasn't spent £200 on a steel tube, it feels a bit censored. We get enough of that living under this government and the next so how about relaxing the rules. We don't need em. Just my opinion but the banter in whatever forum is what makes this forum friendly. If a knob like me can't troll Sam, the fun has gone. He does have a rant sometimes and thats what I like about him. He jumped off the deep end while he's on his deathbed. We all know he's cool so get your arse back on here and sling some mud Sam. ;-)
Some days I am honestly saddened by the way some people are quick to misinterpret something into their own meaning and try to twist a positive thing into a bad thing based on their own standards.

When UKV banned clones, we decided not to because its a part of vaping, just like originals are, but originals are "special" because they are hard to get and hard to come by. Threads about them always get drowned out on the main forum and they end up lost in page 3 or 4. So they never receive the attention intended by the OP.

Now they have their own place and can be highlighted and discussed (kind of like the Vendors forums? Mixology? The Shed? What about the groups?) without all the background "noise" of the more commonly discussed topics.
Really? So some of the comments were 'just' from Elsabubs were they?

You know, actually, I had an issue with the wording, choosing often (not always mind) to opt for a more diplomatic approach myself... but.. I got the point being made

If you have such strong morals and principals they cannot be compromised when the need arises!

If you look in ElsaBubs' friends list you'll see plenty of people who use clones, if you scroll back through his posts you'll see friendly banter with Vaping Wayne over wether to call his stingray clone a stungray or a chingray... They're absolute morals that he wouldn't buy a clone, he himself personally, but that doesn't mean he'd shun someone else for doing so... This weekend we sat in grey haze chatting about the clones they have in and not once did Sam spit at him or curse his mother... It's all banter plain and simple...

Look, I deliberately was making a point of not posting in here, because I really don't do the whole sticking up for my bloke thing, I'll be the first to tell him if he's being a twat and frankly he's big and ugly enough to fight his own battles.. I just didn't like the way the charity stuff was being brought into it and thought it was uncalled for.

To be honest, looking at it, it's been taken out of context, and maybe ambiguous wording didn't help, but it sounded like there was going to be a blanket ban on clone vs original discussion.. If that's not the case, then great, new forum sounds like a fab idea, can't wait to show off my nice bits and pieces :)
Aaah feck this for a game of soldiers.. I'm off to hug the bog and wait to throw up again.

Hopefully, when I log back in folk will have chilled out a bit and we can get back to be the 'friendliest forum' and give the bickering a miss.. please?
I really dont get what the major malfunction is here? A new sub-Forum dedicated to Originals only, no clone talk allowed! Perfect - I can come and discuss my Viggo without someone trotting along and interrupting with comments on how they bought a "Vigga" from FT, and can I help them because the switch wont work... Then once I've finished doing that I can the nip off to a thread about refinishing clone Chi you's without someone slagging me off for having it! Bonus I win both ways!!!

The rest of you - stop, think for just a minute before reacting, No one is creating a censorship culture, just a defined area for a specific topic. No clones in the originals forum, after all you wouldnt go to Piggly Wiggly for a Kosher lunch would you?...
Right I'm taking off my mod hat for a moment as I've missed all of this sorting out real life problems (you think vaping causes trouble you should try sorting out pokemon card issues!!!). When I first read the op I thought it was great. A place to freely talk about gear without all the clone talk getting in the way. Believe it or not, whilst the team try to remain neutral, we also have opinions! I've not publicly stated this before but I hate clones and all the talk of them! It got to the stage a while ago that if I'd heard fastech being mentioned one more time I would have gone mental-it was totally doing my head in! As I see it, nobody is being segregated, everyone is welcome anywhere here but it would be so nice to read about genuinely new stuff without loads of clone talk getting in the way. I'm not elite or a snob, I only own a few bits of gear none of which is particularly special (kfl and roller and a few other bits) but it will be nice to be able to talk about the original stuff and be free to genuinely discuss it without being made to feel that it is somehow wrong!
Everyone is still free to carry on as usual, there are just more options as to where to find out info and that can only be a good thing :)
right, mod hat back on, I'd better catch up on any other developments that I might have missed!
There is something that may have been overlooked. I don't tend to go to specific forums unless it is to post something. I always click the newest posts and see if there's anything that interests me or I can help with.
If there are people like me that do this, they'll almost certainly speak freely without knowing they are breaking rules. Some rules are needed and some aren't.
As a newcomer to this forum.

Really !!

an awful lot of


I see it as simply nothing more than a subsection to what is already an awesome forum. - No-one is forcing anyone to use it. !

I have clones and I will have originals - either way I hope to mix all round.

It's all getting rather serious over nothing I feel.

( Goes off to have another sip of JD & vape )

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