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Letter back from Stephen lloyd - Eastbourne MP- few pointers please

Not that I'm condoning encouraging any kind of dependence in anyone, but there's a disproportionate fear of non-smokers, of any age, taking up this safer form of nicotine use.

There's another argument bandied about to defend the illogical bans on e-cigs in public places - that it will "normalise" smoking. There are a couple of glaringly obvious points here - firstly, if anything, it normalises smoking cessation.. secondly, if they really cared about the normalisation of drug use OR the welfare of children, they wouldn't have spent the last 30 years eroding (or increasingly ignoring) laws about children in licensed premises or permitted bars to actively encourage children by offering kids meals, games and special areas. Does this not normalise the consumption of alcohol?

As far as I'm aware, the law still applies that no child under 14 can be within sight of the bar - there were reasons for this law being put in place. Where is the evidence of it now?

Go into any pub on a Saturday afternoon and you'll see countless bored children annoying the rest of us while the parents spend the day getting tanked up.

But God forbid a child might see a Protank and be tempted to rush off and buy a packet of fags!!
IF and when they are medicalised, these people kindly forget....ecigs will be available to children as young as 12 years old :( it makes me sick

Its a fucked up way of doing things all round tbh.......................... children dont buy ecigs really and theres no evidence to back this up, children smoke yup sure do and im sure if my boy smoked id rather he swapped to a ecig that would keep him off smoking rather then try something that wont.
Still yet they would prefer us all to give up or force us back, my mp talked of advertising via the back door wheres the evidence of this ill tell ya in his mind as this also doesnt happen and again is a easy minor law change to sort...................... it all boils down to one thing £££££ for the govenment for the tobacco companies and for the pharma companies.

Well theres one thing I wont stand and thats some stuck up officials telling me they are going to fuck around with my health and my freedom of choice..............hell they dont stop people drinking themselves to death

I encourage everyone to stop just moaning about it and actually do something yes it may not change anything but the time for sitting around hoping it doesnt happen are over its time to show them we mean to fight for our right to vape and if that means I have to get up out my seat then ill do it
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It's been suggested the that government/EU legislation intends to include the hardware, not just the juice.

If this is correct, could someone help me out and try to find a medicinal regulation for TENS machines. I can't find any such regulation - so if a machine designed to reduce pain can be unregulated as a medicinal product AND promoted by NICE, how can the powers that be possibly argue that the hardware of the e-cig needs regulating, when it doesn't claim to be a treatment?

I add the following about TENS, as there are striking similarities:

"Although there is not much robust proof that TENS machines work, many people do find them very helpful. The advantage is that TENS is well tolerated and largely without side-effects."
It's imperative that as many of us as possible try to do something - I'm haranguing virtually every politician that represents me - and I'll happily get out there and protest.

The advantage of moaning, though, is that it helps focus the argument and pick out all the best weaponry from the group.
Also keep in mind, that the CEO claim that the forums are funded by tobacco lobbyists. This one sure as hell isnt. I cant speak for any other forum but I know of at least 3 others that arent either.
well apparently I am a lobbist according to the man on the phone I looked up the definition and to a certain extent you could say I am but I was more about getting him the info and letting him make up his own mind rather than trying to change it.

So do you think suggesting he looks on here himself is a bad idea?
So the minute a constituent asks a politician to act on their behalf, they become a lobbyist?
tbh the phone/reception guy sometimes jumps before he thinks I think, like his comment when I said I went from 25 a day smoker to zero "will power" is what his comment was I straight away jumped in with a response of no will power involved just a change in delivery method that works.
It's imperative that as many of us as possible try to do something - I'm haranguing virtually every politician that represents me - and I'll happily get out there and protest.

The advantage of moaning, though, is that it helps focus the argument and pick out all the best weaponry from the group.

there are many that will just moan but when it actually comes to physically doing something they just havent the time, this has got to change
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