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Long awaited MHRA announcement

Whatever MHRA announce tomorrow it's their *recommendations* that they are announcing.

The sky is not going to fall. e-liquids won't be banned next week even if they recommend an effective ban AND the ban passes through parliament (both of which aren't all that likely) it would still take 2-3 years to come into effect.

there is no evidence that e-cigs cause harm and there is substantial evidence that they are in fact orders or magnitude safer than smoking tobacco. The larger the market gets the more potential voters are at stake for a prospective government, so the less likely banning htem becomes. A political party that supported the use of e-cigs would pick up a great many votes and in the current politically disenfranchised world that may well count for something.

Not to mention that there are already court rulings to the effect that e-cigs are *not* medicinal products. As much as MHRA might want them got rid off for their paymasters n the pharmaceutical companies - it's a bit more complicated than them coming out and just banning them.
I don't see anything drastic happening anytime soon. I signed a petition against the ban and followed a link that allowed me to write a letter to a number of MP's (or is it MEP's?). I'm half asleep as I write this but I did get an email response from a few and from what I gather, there are over 1000 amendments to be discussed (and agreed upon). I don't know a lot about politics but I rarely see politicians agreeing on anything and with over 1000 amendments - I expect this to take a considerable amount of time :grin2:
​of course, I could be wrong!
Trouble that's the EU, looks like the UK may be going it's own way.

I see that as a good thing, if its a uk decision that means we can challenge it in the high court,
if enough of us club together and higher a top law firm we can fight it in this country and whilst we appeal that gives us time to stock up!
My fiancée is a solicitor and we've discussed what we could do if or when something happens
Well the clip on the BBC just now was as usual biased & quite frankly full of BS, but whoever the guy was they interviewed seemed to know what he was going on about.

We are graffiti.

Meanwhile the poison "alcohol" continues to haemorrhage money from hospitals, earn its dealers a fortune and line the pockets of MPs...
Just done a bit of research on the MHRA..they conducted a public poll on e cigs in 2010 and the 'take no action' vote was overwhelmingly in our favour...they also published who voted on a blanket ban and to take them off the market in 21 days...amongst these wwher Glazo Smith Klyne, Johnson & Johnson and several other pharmas....so why are they now backtracking on this????....Oh yeah....the pharmas are putting the squeeze on them....I think that perhaps any negative outcome would be overturned by a good QC....if I can find this discrediting info after 5 mins on the interweb then a QC would have a field day!!!!
Just saw the BBC news piece on this, very disappointed to hear the BMA call e-cigs a "menace". The whole piece was very "they could be dangerous" and "won't someone think of the children" biased, but it's the kind of sloppy journalism I've come to expect from the Been
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