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Long awaited MHRA announcement

I say we stop panicking personally. It ain't over yet and this was hardly unexpected news.
3 years is a feck of a long time in politics, and technology.

We might all be speaking Cantonese and working in factories manufacturing the stuff by then ;)

Not saying rest on your laurels or what not... but if you let it ruin your day, you've got another 1095 to go :D
The recent MHRA announcement is predicated on the TPD passing, that's not likely either.

It's political waffle so they are being seen to be doing something, nothing much has changed yet. I shall wait for people that know more than I do to read the fine print.

I read it like this:
The UK Government will press for EU law to create a Europe-wide legal position on NCPs as medicines through the revision of the Tobacco Products Directive. The European Commission has said it expects the new legislation to be adopted in 2014 and for it to come into effect in the UK from 2016. From that point, all NCPs will require a medicine licence.

translation. We want to regulate these things as medicines, we will be lobbying the EU to do this for us via the TPD, the EU told us this will be done by 2014.
There will be no compulsory licensing of the products until 2016 but until then they are not recommended for use, he said.

Thanks for that, carry on as normal then...
I can go out and by some cannabis right now no problem at all, its everywhere if you know where to look, and competitive priced too, so nothings going to stop me enjoying a vape, it just means my money will go to criminals :D
I can go out and by some cannabis right now no problem at all, its everywhere if you know where to look, and competitive priced too, so nothings going to stop me enjoying a vape, it just means my money will go to criminals :D

Sums it up in a nutshell chief...

I'm going to become an agriculturist... Weed killer anyone ;)
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