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Maraschino Cherry (PA)


Staff member
Jul 11, 2012
Flavour Name: Maraschino cherry

Manufacturer: Perfumers Apprentice

Bottle size: 10ml
Price paid: £1.99

Price Per ml: 20p

Bought from: Liberty Flights

Type: fruit

Review: The quest for a good cherry continues, unfortunately this isnt it. Paint stripper maybe, but not cherry. I tried it as low as 5% and got a slight cherry, but still mostly paint stripper. One day Ill find one.

.Steeping: it doesnt help


Throat hit: a little harsh

Value: good price, but not if it isnt good

Use as a mixing ingredient: I wouldnt want to insult any other flavours!

Effects on tanks and atomizers and any known ‘nasties’: none


This concentrate was bought with my own money. I have received neither payment nor payment in lieu through goods or services for writing this review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and made as ‘fair comment’. Please bear in mind that flavour and taste are a very personal thing. This review has not been edited or moderated by the owners or moderators of [url]www.planetofthevapes.co.uk[/URL] who may or may not agree / disagree with the comments made therein. Prices may include discounts and may have changed since time of purchase. Whilst every effort has been made to be as accurate as possible - Errors and Omissions – Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware).
A very zingy cherry I find and strong stuff. Like all the cherry flavours I have tried it has merits of it's own. However mixing with other cherry and black or red fruit flavours will collaborate for the most part the best attributes of each flavour and give you something closer to what you are looking for.

I quite like Pa marachino cherry as it is strong and different from the rest the sweet cherry I find to have the blosson in the bottle to and it is much more floral. I like cloud 9S Black cherry for cherry mixes as it has a dark and solid flavour which needs to be used in very limited amounts to produce a good back note or base for the mix to stand on. I have mixed a lot of cherry flavours and it is quite hard to make a nice vape you go back to. I like to add blackberry, irish cream, dulche de leche or forest fruits and have combined upto five cherry flavours in one mix. A single drop of spearmint in a 30 ml mix can open out the flavours and reveal the more subtle edges.

All in all cherry can be a pain and a perfect cherry vape I feel is a myth as real cherrys are just far to complex to replicate. I do hope someone proves me wrong. If your cherry mix is a little one dimensional try adding some tobacco e liquid and give it a different note all together. Good luck with your mixing.
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Thanks to bryan123456 I have seen the light, but am waiting for the full steep before posting the review. There is a cherry flavour that I am really really excited by. I will save the details for the full review but Tina d'milano sweet cherry from 4drops is the best cherry by a country mile. Sweet and juicy and just lush. Call this a Pre review :)
Never come across that company before. This is a great section of the forum and I will try to add what I can. I have a few flavours to review and loved reviewing them on ECF til I got seller status and was stopped. Never did get that place or the ruls and reasons. Anyhow I digress, I take it you like cherry ??
I love cherry and have been on a search for the perfect cherry as so many of them taste like paint stripper :) this one from 4drops is really nice and I can't wait to order some of their other flavours as Bryan rates most of them highly. That would be great if you can add more reviews, the more the merrier :) we don't always agree with taste being subjective but we reckon it is a helpful resource for all us diyers out there. Still loving my steampunk btw :D
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