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Interesting Journey

Can't help with the RDA,I haven't stepped up that far - YET!

I must say,though,it has been interesting reading and seeing your ''step-up'' devices.Thanks for posting about your journey.

Being a bit of a Noob still, I'am having some trouble getting this up and running..any tips ? - VAPE-DADDY

What issues are you having?
What issues are you having?

I think I have fixed the problem.. I didnt have the Magnet at the bottom of the Stingray X screwed in the correct amount. I've got it to fire up, but have done a bad/noob job with the coils.. whats better canthol? or cotton wool and whats the best gauge coils to use for sub-ohming/cloud chasing ? - VAPE-DADDY
Gotta say, yours is a very similar story to mine, but I have to buy 2 of everything cause the missus has started vaping too. I don't mind though, I'd rather spend the cash and know she aint smoking, she's worth it.
One tip I've learnt along the way is get the juices down before worrying to much about mods etc. Find 4 or 5 all day vapes first, then worry about how you're gonna vape them. Nothing worse than having loads of cool toys & then have to trawl through loads of juices and different brands to find something that's actually worth putting in / on them :grin2:
I think I have fixed the problem.. I didnt have the Magnet at the bottom of the Stingray X screwed in the correct amount. I've got it to fire up, but have done a bad/noob job with the coils.. whats better canthol? or cotton wool and whats the best gauge coils to use for sub-ohming/cloud chasing ? - VAPE-DADDY

Kanthal is the wire. Either cotton wool or silica are used for wicks, I prefer cotton wool myself. I tend not to go lower that 0.8ohm and for that I use 28 gauge, lowest I have been on 28 gauge is a dual coil that measured 0.5 which is plenty low enough to get started.


I got a Dreadnaut Mod from my Brother as a Birthday present.. and am trying to decide which grade Kanthol to use... I have 28 gauge, 24 grade and 20 grade Kanthol..and will be running dual coils..


I also bought an E-Fest 26650 battery for my Dreadnaut,, I also bought a 'BIG NASTY' mod.. Pics coming soon :) - VAPE-daddy
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Kryptonite & green efest


Just got my KRYPTONITE MOD. and new Green EFEST battery.. just need my new RDA to turn up :) !!
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