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Mech squonk batteries

@conanthewarrior yeah I know what you mean I ordered two batteries anyway so I'll have one charging and one on the go. I think for my usage which will be just at home for the mech I'll enjoy it. For me it's not really much of wanting a mech as such it was more the squonking side as I love dripping but it can be a pain so squonking seemed a logical step and I just didn't see a mass produced regulated squonk I
Liked but now I found a few who make em they will be on the cards too!

@allen never to late mate thanks for the input yeah I do understand those principles so I'm gonna try a couple of builds out. For me I like flavour so the main issue is generally heat flux and I find it a fine line to get the warmth and flavour and have it perform like that over time. I find when the heat builds up an up the flavour worsens and I just have to let the whole thing cool down which can be annoying
@conanthewarrior @allen
So my batteries came yesterday and my little squonk mod and I got it set up with some coils and got to vaping ! Just wondered because it's a mech do you guys take the batteries out or is it ok to leave it in ? I took the battery out when I went to bed but am I just being over cautious ??
@conanthewarrior @allen
So my batteries came yesterday and my little squonk mod and I got it set up with some coils and got to vaping ! Just wondered because it's a mech do you guys take the batteries out or is it ok to leave it in ? I took the battery out when I went to bed but am I just being over cautious ??

I always take the cells out of my mechs at night. Force of habit and usually having need of recharging them by close of play.

That and I don't want the cat having sneaky toots on my kit at silly o clock...
It's one of them better safe than sorry situations.
All my mechs get cells oot at night, potentially something warm and burny burny could happen and despite the terrible decor in the flat I'd rather that no happen.

So, hows mech squonk life so far?
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got this from a fellow ape as a start and I gotta say I'm loving the squonking side and I think once I get over the initial fear of blowing my face off when I press the button I'll be golden! So yeah so far so good really enjoying it!
It depends to be honest, I usually take out the battery at night if I have been using a mech, because it will be in need of charging, and it is nice to start the day with a fresh battery if I think I will be using a mech again.

Sometime though I end up changing the battery just before bed. If this happens, I do leave the battery in, as no one (or in @EmbraSewerRat case, their cat lol) will fire it, and the mech mod I use most has a recessed fire button so shouldn't autofire.

Do what makes you feel comfortable though, keeping safe is a priority and I don't think you can really be overly cautious (Unless you vape in a bomb blast suit).

How is the vape? That is actually a really nice looking squonker, do you mind me asking how much that was? And what are you running in there at the moment?
I know it seems a bit scary at first, but I hope you get over the fear of blowing your face off soon- that won't happen as long as you don't go doing anything silly.
@conanthewarrior I think they are about £100 but I got it a little cheaper off a fellow ape with the atty.
at the min I just swapped out the build for 24awg build at about .23 but I don't like it the best so far has been a 6wrap with 26awg but it played an done 4 builds on it already today and can't be arsed to swap it back at the min lol [emoji23]
@conanthewarrior I think they are about £100 but I got it a little cheaper off a fellow ape with the atty.
at the min I just swapped out the build for 24awg build at about .23 but I don't like it the best so far has been a 6wrap with 26awg but it played an done 4 builds on it already today and can't be arsed to swap it back at the min lol [emoji23]
Wow! I thought you went for the Mech squonker as a cheaper option to a regulated one lol!

You may well find you enjoy the mech enough on its own though- plenty of people like mechs enough to use them solely. I do use tube mechs myself from time to time and they can be a very nice vape.

Yeah the 24G is a little bit thick to heat fast, lots of people do use this in mechs though too so it is all personal preference. I use 26G myself in mechs, seems to be the best for ramp up and surface area to me.

Sounds like you have been experimenting a lot, which is good, I do hope you find something you can settle on soon though and fully enjoy the mod :).
@conanthewarrior yeah not really a cheaper option but it is a nice little reliable vape without all the electronics!

I think the 26 is the way to go too or more complex builds using those lower gauge wires for sure ! I have some of smuts coils and they are running great!

I tend to be around 55-75 watts most of the time never go higher than that really.

I would like to try the 26awg SS am I right in thinking the resistance is lower ? So I could get a few more wraps in than the kanthal but the ramp up time is also faster?
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