The purpose of that comment was to explain that everything in life has risk. I disagree with your opinions, but you are entitled to them the same as I am mine.
Now, as we have both stated and agreed that as it stands Vaping is safer than smoking. Personally, I believe it to be 99.9% safer due to the amount of ingredients. That really is enough for me. NRT inhalators are deemed a medicinal product, and they have a damn sight more chemicals in them, than my lowly ejuice.
Ok, fine lets have your regulation, but can you sit there and state that it is 100% safe all of the time?? Thats the joke with checks and regulation, its not, so what is the point. You are talking about the threat of prosecution, how many manufacturers have been prosecuted over Horse meat??
GVC recently was tested and found to pass. What did it actually pass, what was tested?? Was it tested to see if it was free from nasty substances or Reindeers??
Also what happens with this proposed regulation, will it be UK or Worldwide??
Personally, I am not a 'glass half empty' or 'glass half full' person, I have bigger and better things to worry about than my trusted juice vendors, and its my choice and mine only to who I use.
Its not regulation we need, its education to vendors and users alike to what is acceptable and what is not. As I have said before, you can lead a horse to water, but cant make it drink