Because I choose to believe
Ok, you choose to have faith and trust etc etc...
I think many would prefer some tangible evidence or attempt at quantifying juice contents materials used in atomisers, I think blind faith tends to get the ass bitten more often..
'game over' vaping wins
Something we agree on, yes, as it stands right now e-cigs win hand down, never been contested by anyone I believe to have an IQ over 9.
How long did we eat horse...
Horse meat, in this context I'm more interested in how long we would have continued to have eaten horse meat and by how much that % would have increased over time without the checks being made and because I don't think anyone will ever know how long.
The situation was brought to light by a flawed and inefficient system but I'll have that over none at all...
not Ketamine.
Ok Bute, if you say so, I don't care the name of it but I do care that a chemical deemed unsuitable for human consumption was in the food chain....
I'd like to think that if something similar happened in the Nicotine or flavouring it could be spotted at some point by a man in a white coat and not due to an increase in health problem or blind luck.
Regulation is already in place
Regulations are in place but it seemed to be largely self regulated and to some degree voluntary or based on good faith and morals, as it stands a producer or vendor that is being careless or unwittingly getting it wrong will only be properly checked after some kind of problem comes to light..
I think there is plenty of evidence to suggest this is not the best way forward.
Checks would also protect and inform the juice mixers buy checking their supply chain...
"Do you really think regulation will change that"
Not directly and it would depend on the structure of the regulations and who and how it is monitored but let's for now say no..
What it would do is reduce the timeline between production and discovery of a contaminated product, I would suggest mandatory batch testing it would go some way to spot problems early and keep producers informed, don't forget the mixers and vendors can fall foul of substandard ingredients, it helps cover their ass as well.
Is every cigarette tested??
Of course not, maybe a quick Google of batch testing will explain better than I'm able.
The point is to find a level of cover for all the vaping community that is not too restrictive, cost effective but is worth putting in place.
I do not know what that is, the vendors don't know and neither do the MHRA which maybe why they propose the total control option of medicine law....
I dont need regulation or a nanny state
I do believe at some time in our life we need the protection of those smarter and better informed than ourselves, your method of juice testing for products yet to be found unsuitable, toxic, mistakenly included at source or included buy a rogue vendor or counterfeit is to march forward blindly until your body shouts for help. Not most peoples preferred option but most certainly your right, when some regulation is in place you will be free to buy all your supplies on the black market and continue as you are but please don't contest what I think the majority would prefer, providing it is done within reasonable boundaries and cost.
cannot guarantee this 100%
You are right again, no testing system that I can think of has produced 100% results, absolutely right but I do know a system is not checked and monitored in some predefined way will fail substantially more and increase the risks.
No self regulating system ever produced worthwhile or consistent trustworthy results and most often spirals downwards, something similar to the US banking/mortgage system.
Are you really aware of the amount of counterfeight alcohol on sale in the UK, either through off licences or Pubs???
No I'm not but I'm pretty sure it's more than is completely safe and less than if there were no one watching and checking, those doing it risk getting caught, if this was a system based on morals, good faith and a belief system I'd say it would be at the very least double the risk, I'm being very conservative with that estimate.
I have spoken to like you are a nazi
I don't think I have been spoken to like a Nazi I just get the impression a few may think I'm someone who wants a controlled world and everything bubble wrapped for safety or someone in uniform on every corner keeping us safe !!
I just think it is an intelligent option to try and work out what could benefit vaping from both vendor and consumer view points and keep the dogs at bay, they want totally restriction, control of this terrible poison we ingest, why not spend the next few months preparing a viable option that covers their concerns as much as possible whilst finding out what vapors and vendors think will work ?