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Mixing finished liquids


Nov 15, 2014
I've got a couple hundred mil of 2 baccy flavours that are not vapable on their own, but i reckon might go well with some ready mixed vanilla custard i've got (of which i have a lot)

What would your view be on the right sort of percentages to try? I don't have the time to try endless combinations, if the first few don't work i may give up.

I was thiking 90% custard, 10% baccy would be reasonable start point, what you reckon?
Sounds like a good start

i like baccy so id probably 50/50 it
Think I'd just do 4 10ml bottles from 50/50 to 90/10 to speed up the process.
Sounds about right to me.

Personally I'd start with very little baccy, then keep adding it until it's too much. You can do that with just a single tanks worth or a bottle to eyeball it.
They weren't mixed quite right to start with @ZT, RY4 Asian has too much concentrate in and is a bit overbearing, as does TFA Bitter Nut which i'm not getting a lot of baccy notes from. Probably easier to add them to something else. I'll probably do what you say @MHL and just eyeball rough percentages in a tank full to get a steer on what's worth transferring to 100ml bottle sizes.

I did that adding bitter nut to TFA at 10% in a tank to Smokey Blend, both of which were foulsome alone but quite vapable mixed like that. Mind you though it didn't work out quite the same trying to replicate in a bottle.
They weren't mixed quite right to start with @ZT, RY4 Asian has too much concentrate in and is a bit overbearing, as does TFA Bitter Nut which i'm not getting a lot of baccy notes from. Probably easier to add them to something else. I'll probably do what you say @MHL and just eyeball rough percentages in a tank full to get a steer on what's worth transferring to 100ml bottle sizes.

I did that adding bitter nut to TFA at 10% in a tank to Smokey Blend, both of which were foulsome alone but quite vapable mixed like that. Mind you though it didn't work out quite the same trying to replicate in a bottle.
Cant you just water the ry4 down with vg,pg, nic? To get it to an acceptable level ?
I found RY4 Asian to be tricky, easy to overdo, tfa ry4 double is much easier to work with A smokey tobacco is better than ash/ a dirty straight up fag concentrate when coupled with a custard. I'd start with 90% custard 10% Asian from what you already have mixed, really it all depends on what percentage you originally mixed the Asian.
I had a custard shortfill that was a bit meh. I added a 10ml baccy juice that i got as a freebie with an order, and it made a nice juice for vaping with a beer. Sometimes an experiment works.
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